November 27, 2007
Night #2 without supper
He will, won't he??
* Check out my friend Tricia's new blog here!
November 26, 2007
Stubborn: It runs in the family!
Oh, I'm having some parenting guilt right now. Both of the boys are in bed. One with a full tummy, one without a full tummy. Luke would not eat his dinner. I made a delicious Turkey Pot Pie with some leftover thanksgiving turkey. Andy, Wilson and I all enjoyed the dinner. Luke just kept saying "no way". Dinner went something like this: I shoved a bite in his mouth. He spit it out. He screamed and cried. Andy took him to time out. He came back crying. I held him and pushed a carrot in his mouth. He cried and spit it out. He wouldn't even try it. So he didn't get anything else other than his milk. I left it out in case he became hungry but he didn't. He never fussed about not eating and I know it is okay to do this, the doctor has told us and I've read it, and my mom has said it's ok but oh it is bothering me now! It was really hard to not give in and make him something that I know he likes. Andy and I just don't want to teach them they can have a fit and get what they want. But it is hard to be just as stubborn back. Even though Andy is stubborn. I am stubborn. Wilson is stubborn. But it was hard for me to be stubborn tonight. I didn't like it at all. Any ideas? I am not willing to fix two dinners every night - Luke will learn to eat what we have, right? Wilson has and he does well eating a good variety. Being the parent is HARD. As you can see, the rest of us really enjoyed dinner!
November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving Feast #2
For the past 3 years we travelled to a camp and rented a cottage- large enough to fit all 18 of us. We'd outgrown Nanny's house and this seemed a good option. Well last year we were all looking forward to meeting up at camp. We had lots of plans- good plans- like paintball for the guys, making turkey cookies, the annual play the kids put on, playing games, relaxing, hiking etc. A few days before we left for camp Wilson caught a virus. A bad one, with throw-up and other stuff. I think I caught it next, a very mild case- but we were feeling better in time to leave and thought everything would be okay. Boy were we wrong. By the time we left the cottage on Saturday the virus had spread through I think 15 of 18 people. It. was. awful. And of course it was our family's fault so I felt a lot of guilt. We shouldn't have gone. Each day we woke up the virus had spread to at least another person. I had to take Andy to the ER because he was so dehydrated. It hit him really hard. He had to get two bags of fluid. We spent a couple hours in the emergency room. It was just a horrible time. If you know me at all you know I live for breaks from school to be home with my boys (even though I love my job!). All I kept thinking was I can't wait for this weekend to be over so I can go back to work and get out of this nightmare. It really did feel like a nightmare. Thankfully our family still speaks to us! But here is something I don't know that I've told anyone- except those that were there- the poor girl who works at the camp and went in to clean the cabin after we left- yep, you guessed it, she caught the virus from just walking in the cabin. I mean we had already done some cleaning, emptying the trash, vacuuming, cleaning all the dishes, stripping the beds etc. And she still got sick. Talk about guilt. That was one awful, nasty virus that spread like wildfire. And during the horrible nightmare we couldn't leave because people were to sick to travel. It was the longest several days of 'vacation' ever.
Thank goodness this year was so great, it really makes Thanksgiving memories seem happy again! Maybe in a few years we'll laugh about last year's virus filled Thanksgiving- the nightmare- but not yet. No, not yet.
November 20, 2007
Fun in the Leaves!
On Saturday the boys and I headed to a neighboring county and met up with Stephanie, Meghan, Lily and Trey to play in the ginkgo leaves. We had so much fun! Luke was a little unsure at first but quickly warmed up to the idea. Wilson and Luke had fun throwing leaves up in the air. Wilson made piles of leaves and a campfire- we roasted ginkgo leaves on sticks! He is getting such a great imagination. Luke had fun thowing leaves at daddy and throwing some up in the air. Meghan and Lily got buried in the leaves and stuffed their clothes with leaves like they were scarecrows! It was a lot of fun! Thanks for inviting us, Steph! You can see her post here.
November 19, 2007
Thanksgiving Feast #1
My sister and Jason shared AWESOME news! They are hoping to adopt a precious boy named Silas from China. He turned one in September and has special needs. He is so cute! Their story of how this all came about is really neat. I'm hoping they'll start a blog and then I can just link you to and let them tell you! I'm so excited!!
November 18, 2007
Luke Matthew- Man of MANY words!
He had a check-up with the ENT last Thursday. Everything about his ears is fabulous! He hasn't had a single ear infection since his tubes were put in. You can read about that here. He has had them for about 6 months. At our next checkup in about 3 months, they'll test his hearing and see if the tubes are ready to come out. The tubes were the best thing we could have done for his poor little ears.
November 15, 2007
A Day to Breathe
November 10, 2007
Tricia's Wedding
Tricia and Curtis were married on October 27, 2007. The wedding was beautiful! I am so happy for them! The wedding was at 3:30- Tricia looked gorgeous! The bridesmaids wore cranberry and carried cream flowers. Tricia carried white and red roses. They had an excellent photographer, great music and lots of friends and family around.
November 6, 2007
My Man!
November 3, 2007
WHAT? I can't hear you!
November 1, 2007
Trick-or-Treat & Harvest Party
Pooh Bear!
A beautiful sunset on the hayride!
Sunday night we had a Harvest Party at our church- chili cook-off, trunk-or-treating for the kids, hay ride, pumpkin bowling, etc. Wilson and Luke had a blast! Some of the pictures are from that. It was so cold on Sunday night.
For Trick-or-Treating the weather was beautiful! We went part way down our street and came back up the other side with the boys. Then we passed candy out to trick-or -treaters at our house. Gamma and Gampa came over to see the boys. Wilson was a Knight and Luke was Winnie the Pooh. They were cute! After the grandparents left we drove over to Ma and Pa's to trick or treat there. Wilson was shy about going up to the houses. Luke wouldn't talk, but he sure was willing to hold his pumpkin out for candy! He ended up with way more than Wilson. Will's favorite treat from a house was a small thing of black play-doh. He found that pretty cool. Luke'll stick to the candy!
Wilson carved the small pumpkin in the middle. Check out the eyes! I was so proud of him!
Lukie with his hunny pot out trick or treating!