June 16, 2012

New Med

A little update on my guy. We've been on the new medicine for two weeks. We have worked up to a whole pill now each evening before bed. I have noticed some positive changes. He is still very anxious about many things - poison, death, cancer, breaking his neck, earthquakes, etc but he is needing reassurance about these things less often. Before it was constant, multiple times an hour. Now it kind of comes and goes throughout the day. So while we are still dealing with those issues they are less frequent. I'm trying to focus on the positive changes however slight they may be at this time. My heart is breaking for him and I just continuously act like everything that worries him is NO BIG DEAL. Every night at bedtime he also wants to tell us what worries are on his mind. Usually it is the same ones I've already heard through the day but it gets them out of his mind so he can sleep. So I think it is safe to say we are on the right path this time to helping him. :)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I am thankful for the positive changes and that you see them.....and try to capitalize on them and not on the negative behavior. You and Andy are doing it right. One day you will look back and have to remind yourselves of this (or read your blog) as it will be only a faint memory. Blessings friend.