The boys and I have been staying busy with trips to the pool, library, and playing outside. We are thrilled!!! to have Andy back home after he was in Costa Rica for 12 days leading a mission trip. The big boys went to Grand(parent) Camp at Aldersgate for 2 nights with my mom and their cousins Madelyn and Caroline. They had a blast. Thank you so much mom for taking them on such a wonderful adventure. I know they are making great memories!
Luke just got a new green bike. He was ready for a bigger bike and is doing really well riding it! Here is what it looks like. It is from Wal-Mart. Green is of course his favorite color. My mom just got him a bell for his new bike. He is pretty happy!
I kept myself busy while Andy was away by watching Season 1 & 2 of Downton Abbey. I LOVE the show and am terribly dissapointed that Season 3 doesn't begin until January 2013!!!

We have started some a new chore routine and behavior system. It seems things have to change up quite often around here. The boys are all starting out with several dollars worth of quarters in a jar. Each has his own jar. At the beginning of the week they get all of their quarters. As they complain, whine, don't follow directions, etc they lose a quarter. I'm hoping this will encourage some behavior changes...we shall see!
The new chore routine is something I saw online but didn't repin. It was a link I followed from a pin. ANYWAY it was an idea from the Duggar's (who I know nothing about other than the fact that they have a ridiculous amount of children). Here is my adaptation to their idea:
I wrote on small pieces of paper different chores the boys need to do. A set for each. I wrote their name on an envelope and each day I will choose which chores they need to do. They can't have tv, electronics, or free time until they are done. As they finish a job they bring me the slip and I go check the work. Wilson and Luke were very independent with their chore cards! Here are some of the jobs I included:
Wilson- pick up toys (there is a separate slip of paper for different rooms), clean up floor in bedroom, make bed (or strip sheets), put dirty clothes in hamper, walk Lottie, read Jesus Calling Devotion, read 15 minutes for summer reading, do 3 pages of summer workbook, scoop Lottie's poop
Luke- pick up toys (separate slip for different rooms), clean up floor in bedroom, make bed (or strip sheets), put dirty clothes in hamper, take out recycling, read daily devo with mom, read 1 book, do 3 pages of summer workbook
Ty- pick up toys (same as above), put dirty clothes in hamper, make bed (just putting animals & blankets on the bed)
And this pin fits me perfectly! :)

1 comment:
Can't seem to figure out what is going on with the first paragraph. Sorry!
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