March 22, 2012


So. When life gets overwhelming I tend to turtle-up. It's the only way I know to describe what I do without even realizing. This week I realized I've gone in shut down mode lately. There has just been too many things going on in my life, the boys' lives, & my friends' lives. So unfortunately I've kind of been hiding out. Not always good at sharing my feelings. But I'm sticking my head out of the shell and seeing if it is ok to come out!

After TWO MONTHS of sickness (seriously at least 1 out of 5 has been sick until this week) we are in the clear. Oh what was that noise you ask? Just me knocking on wood. Wilson was diagnosed with an ear infection less than a week ago but he is feeling better.

My house is a train wreck. I've done some work obviously as has Andy but not enough. But it is so overwhelming with a big house, 3 messy boys, & 1 messy me that I don't know where to even start. I'll clean a room only to turn around and it be a mess again the same day or very next day.

Tyler is doing well at peeing in the potty he is terrified of pooping in the potty. Don't have any more ideas on that one.

Wilson has been very difficult. What's new. School transitions have been very hard as well as completing homework. Just call me mom/teacher of the year. I received a formal letter about his attendance and how I've already used 6/10 parent excused absences. I tell you, the boy has been sick!!

I've been so tired with no energy but am having trouble getting to bed before 10:30. Partly because Ty no longer wants to go to bed at bedtime. He keeps getting up and out of bed. Or if I try sitting next to him to wait for him to fall asleep it can take forever. Very frustrating.

I re-read Hungeer Games book 1 this week. Still so so good. Please tell me you have read it! Andy finally decided he would give them a try and he is on book 3. He is really enjoying them.

When your 3 1/2 year old says "I need to read a chapper of Mr. Incredible" you know he has older brothers!! My baby wants us to read him a chapter book! So cute!!

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