October 11, 2007


Wondering what Wilson is into right now? Lots! He loves trains, especially building tracks with his daddy. He loves to build with legos and drive cars and trucks around the house. He loves bulldozers and dump trucks and any large machines. He tells me to slow down when I'm driving and he sees a construction crew. He loves garbage trucks and fire trucks too. He is in to so many different things right now! Wilson is a drummer too, but you already knew that. He loves guitars and can name many instruments when he sees pictures of them. He loves green tea (crystal light caffeine free!) and snacks. He eats lots of bananas and loves to help cook dinner. He likes to play on pbskids.com and to color, cut and glue (he cut a small section of his hair for the first time last week. But he is a boy, with short hair so it isn't noticeable!). He is helpful- he empties the trashcans in the bathrooms and bedrooms- and thinks it is fun! He likes yard work- raking, and picking up sticks. He loves his cousins and aunts a lot and hates to see his mommy go to work. He can't wait to go to school with me! He wants his daddy and I to "squeeze and scratch like Mimi did" when we put him to bed. I have to sing one of the songs I made up for him too. Yes, his daddy sings to him as well. He says the cutest things still too. He was bonnecting some elephants earlier (connecting) and he likes to build our church out of his legos. How did I get so lucky? Yes, there are hard days, but man, my boys mean the WORLD to me. I love them!


Stephanie said...

We love them too!!!

Allison said...

Cute picture of will! I think that's the first time I've ever seen your doggy. She's super cute too! I got your comment about the happy monsters. That's so cool they like 'em! Thanks for postin'. :)