November 1, 2007

Trick-or-Treat & Harvest Party

Our Knight! Being a bit shy at trunk-or-treating!

Pooh Bear!

A beautiful sunset on the hayride!

Sunday night we had a Harvest Party at our church- chili cook-off, trunk-or-treating for the kids, hay ride, pumpkin bowling, etc. Wilson and Luke had a blast! Some of the pictures are from that. It was so cold on Sunday night.

For Trick-or-Treating the weather was beautiful! We went part way down our street and came back up the other side with the boys. Then we passed candy out to trick-or -treaters at our house. Gamma and Gampa came over to see the boys. Wilson was a Knight and Luke was Winnie the Pooh. They were cute! After the grandparents left we drove over to Ma and Pa's to trick or treat there. Wilson was shy about going up to the houses. Luke wouldn't talk, but he sure was willing to hold his pumpkin out for candy! He ended up with way more than Wilson. Will's favorite treat from a house was a small thing of black play-doh. He found that pretty cool. Luke'll stick to the candy!

Wilson carved the small pumpkin in the middle. Check out the eyes! I was so proud of him!
Lukie with his hunny pot out trick or treating!

1 comment:

Erin said...

They are so cute in their costumes!I love Luke's "Hunny " pot.