Well, I'm happy to report that Andy and I had a wonderful 7year anniversary! The getaway weekend was SOO what we needed. No responsibilities! Sleeping in! Eating out without highchairs! No diapers to change! I have to admit I did get a little upset the first night worrying about the boys. So we called to check on them, I talked briefly to each one (they were having too much fun with Mimi and Poppy!) and then I felt better. Andy and I had a restful weekend. On Saturday we checked into our hotel around 3:30-4:00. We lounged around and left around 6 to go shopping. We went to a few stores and then to Qdoba. We enjoyed our dinner and headed back to the hotel. Sunday morning we woke up (I didn't sleep past 8:15 but I let Andy sleep till 9:30 before waking him up!) and walked to Panera for breakfast. I had a sesame bagel with low-fat cream cheese and Andy had a Cinnamon crunch bagel. We took our time eating and looking through the paper, trying to agree on a movie! We decided on I am Legend. We met Andy's family for lunch and saw the boys which was nice. Andy's parents were heading back to Florida and we wanted to say goodbye. We then went to the mall and a couple of other stores looking for a camera for me! We bought Andy a new pair of tennis shoes with some Christmas money. Then we took a long nap! We had reservations at PF Chang's at 8 so we got ready for dinner and a movie. Delicious dinner- lettuce wraps, Cashew and Almond Chicken and fried rice. It is one of my favorite restaurants. I hope to go back for my b-day. Then to the movies, which we hadn't been to since last Christmas! We both really enjoyed the movie (I am Legend). Then back to the hotel which I am happy to report that I slept in until 10:15!! It was heavenly. Sleep without interruption. Ahhhh... But man did we miss our boys! We walked over to Panera again for another yummy breakfast(asagio cheese bagel for me and pecan roll for Andy). You should also try Panera's Caramel Latte (skim milk and no whipped cream) it is good. I had one both days! The first day Andy had Panera OJ but it was too pulpy (he likes pulp free) so today he walked over to McDonald's for his OJ and brought that into Panera. It was much more to his liking! We had to pick up something at Target and a SD card for my new camera at Radio Shack and then we went to get the boys around 12:30. Once we came home Andy ordered the camera for me! So excited, can't wait!
December 31, 2007
Getaway Weekend!
Well, I'm happy to report that Andy and I had a wonderful 7year anniversary! The getaway weekend was SOO what we needed. No responsibilities! Sleeping in! Eating out without highchairs! No diapers to change! I have to admit I did get a little upset the first night worrying about the boys. So we called to check on them, I talked briefly to each one (they were having too much fun with Mimi and Poppy!) and then I felt better. Andy and I had a restful weekend. On Saturday we checked into our hotel around 3:30-4:00. We lounged around and left around 6 to go shopping. We went to a few stores and then to Qdoba. We enjoyed our dinner and headed back to the hotel. Sunday morning we woke up (I didn't sleep past 8:15 but I let Andy sleep till 9:30 before waking him up!) and walked to Panera for breakfast. I had a sesame bagel with low-fat cream cheese and Andy had a Cinnamon crunch bagel. We took our time eating and looking through the paper, trying to agree on a movie! We decided on I am Legend. We met Andy's family for lunch and saw the boys which was nice. Andy's parents were heading back to Florida and we wanted to say goodbye. We then went to the mall and a couple of other stores looking for a camera for me! We bought Andy a new pair of tennis shoes with some Christmas money. Then we took a long nap! We had reservations at PF Chang's at 8 so we got ready for dinner and a movie. Delicious dinner- lettuce wraps, Cashew and Almond Chicken and fried rice. It is one of my favorite restaurants. I hope to go back for my b-day. Then to the movies, which we hadn't been to since last Christmas! We both really enjoyed the movie (I am Legend). Then back to the hotel which I am happy to report that I slept in until 10:15!! It was heavenly. Sleep without interruption. Ahhhh... But man did we miss our boys! We walked over to Panera again for another yummy breakfast(asagio cheese bagel for me and pecan roll for Andy). You should also try Panera's Caramel Latte (skim milk and no whipped cream) it is good. I had one both days! The first day Andy had Panera OJ but it was too pulpy (he likes pulp free) so today he walked over to McDonald's for his OJ and brought that into Panera. It was much more to his liking! We had to pick up something at Target and a SD card for my new camera at Radio Shack and then we went to get the boys around 12:30. Once we came home Andy ordered the camera for me! So excited, can't wait!
Christmas 2007
What a wonderful Christmas season! It has been busy around here. The pictures above are from Christmas at our house, my maw/paw's, my parents, and at our house with Andy's family. We had a great time with both sides of the family. On Christmas Eve we had dinner at my sister's house. On Christmas morning we opened presents at home and then went to my Maw-maw's for breakfast and presents. I really enjoyed seeing my cousins, Allison and Justin! Allison came from California! After going home for a nap we went to my mom and dad's house for presents and dinner. Two days later Andy's parents arrived and we celebrated with a big breakfast at our house and presents. Then that evening we went to Danny and Steph's for dinner. Great times! Favorite christmas presents:
Wilson- high hat for his drumset
Luke- Thomas train set and lamp
Alyssa- Ipod dock alarm clock
Andy- movies (Back to the Future Trilogy and Christmas Story)
December 28, 2007
Well, we had a wonderful Christmas! Mimi and Poppy (Andy's parents) are staying with us right now. We're having a really nice visit! We celebrated Christmas with Andy's side of the family yesterday. I have lots of pictures to post. But it will be a few days before I get to that! Tomorrow afternoon Andy and I leave for our weekend getaway! We'll be celebrating 7 years of marriage! We're really looking forward to 2 nights away. We have reservations to PF Chang's on our anniversary. We plan to go see a movie! And make good use of the black out drapes...sleep without interruption? What is that like?? Sleeping in without "Mommy wake up. It's time to get up!" (Yes, I sleep until my boys wake me up, when I can!) I have to admit I'm a little worried about leaving my boys. Not because of who I'm leaving them with (Andy's parents Saturday night and my parents Sunday night) but because I never spend the night away from them. I've never been away overnight from Luke. I've spent two nights away from Wilson - when I was at the hospital having Luke. I'm just worried about how they'll do without me. (That is my anxiety talking!) I know they'll be fine. I just don't want them to be worried or needing me (anxiety creeping in again). BUT, I'm really looking forward to our getaway weekend. Maybe we'll take some pictures. If we remember the camera! Christmas pics to come...later!
December 23, 2007
I LOVE this time of year!
Christmas is here! I can feel it in the air! I can see it in everyone's happy faces! I love this time of year! Today after church Steph and I planned our Christmas Breakfast and Dinner for Dec. 27, when Andy's parents and sister will be here staying with us. After naps, my family headed over to her house. We left Danny and Andy in charge of the kids and we braved it over to Wal-Mart. We did our grocery shopping together which was quite fun! Then we put our groceries away at our houses and met back at my sister's house for appetizers and games. Cara had all kinds of yummy appetizers: meatballs (her sauce is so good), nachos, veggie tray, chicken fingers, cheese ball, and my maw-maw's famous cucumber dip with pita chips. Sooo good! I had made a Truffle Trove pie (which was like a chocolate brownie pie) with cool-whip topping last night so I brought that over. The kids ate and played and had a lot of fun. They even put on a music show for us! Funny! I played Cranium and Catch Phrase. Another group played Apples to Apples. It was fun to have Danny and Steph over with the rest of my family. It was all of our in-town family together at once! That was really nice! We were having so much fun with Catch Phrase that Andy and I lost track of time. We left their house around 9:45. But the kids are in bed and fast asleep! I love Christmas break. I'm reading a good book and am wanting to go finish it! Look down at my checklist from a few days ago and you can find the title. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! Our plans are:
1. Make trash (Do you know about trash? AKA puppy chow?)
2. Finish cleaning (living room and kitchen!)
3. Wrap last 2 gifts
4. Make breakfast casserole for Tuesday
5. Make the best pumpkin dessert ever for Tuesday - Thanks for the recipe Brenda!
6. Write Andy's annual stocking note- This idea I got from my Maw and Paw. Every year (I think every year) she has written him a note and put it in the toe of his stocking. I always thought that was so neat. He has all of them in there. I started that for Andy the Christmas before we got married (5 days before the wedding!) and all of his 7 letters are in there. We love getting them out and reading them. I highlight the big things from the year and fond memories/sad times too. It is definitely a tradition we will keep up!
Tomorrow night we'll go to Cara's for dinner before we go to our Christmas Eve service at church. It starts at 7pm, feel free to join us! Then we're going downtown to a house of a special group of people that our church reaches out to. We'll be delivering the trash there and throwing a Christmas party for them. We won't stay too long because we'll need to get home for the boys to open 1 gift each, read the Christmas story, set out cookies for Santa, etc. Then Andy and I will exchange stockings, stuff the boys' stockings and set out Santa gifts! It is so much fun being Santa!!
1. Make trash (Do you know about trash? AKA puppy chow?)
2. Finish cleaning (living room and kitchen!)
3. Wrap last 2 gifts
4. Make breakfast casserole for Tuesday
5. Make the best pumpkin dessert ever for Tuesday - Thanks for the recipe Brenda!
6. Write Andy's annual stocking note- This idea I got from my Maw and Paw. Every year (I think every year) she has written him a note and put it in the toe of his stocking. I always thought that was so neat. He has all of them in there. I started that for Andy the Christmas before we got married (5 days before the wedding!) and all of his 7 letters are in there. We love getting them out and reading them. I highlight the big things from the year and fond memories/sad times too. It is definitely a tradition we will keep up!
Tomorrow night we'll go to Cara's for dinner before we go to our Christmas Eve service at church. It starts at 7pm, feel free to join us! Then we're going downtown to a house of a special group of people that our church reaches out to. We'll be delivering the trash there and throwing a Christmas party for them. We won't stay too long because we'll need to get home for the boys to open 1 gift each, read the Christmas story, set out cookies for Santa, etc. Then Andy and I will exchange stockings, stuff the boys' stockings and set out Santa gifts! It is so much fun being Santa!!
December 22, 2007
Gingerbread Cookie House
That is what Wilson calls it anyway! The Gingerbread house is finally done! We made this a couple of week's ago at my mom's. You can read about that here. It is already suffering toddler damages. Two bushes
Wilson and I made have been knocked over. By Wilson. He then proceeded to eat one of the pretzel sticks that made up the bush. Yum-o! I keep telling him you can't eat the candy off this house, it is gross!
My parents are taking the 4 grandkids to see Christmas Lights tonight! The boys are excited. They are borrowing Cara's minvan and all riding together. Andy and I plan to grab some dinner and keep cleaning this house. I've done a little, we've mostly been relaxing and enjoying vacation!
Last night I made soft tacos for dinner. I wrapped Wilson's up and was holding it up to help him eat the first bite since they fall apart. Well, he bit my middle finger so hard I screamed. Then somehow he bit down again. It hurt so bad I really thought the tip of my finger was broken. It swelled up and bled and he and I were both crying. He was really worried about me! I put some ice on it and it became numb quickly probably because of the throbbing and horrible pain! Andy says my pain tolerance is next to nothing (give me some credit I HAVE birthed two big boys!! Ahem... Epidural aside) but it hurt so badly! I tried to be tough for Wilson but tears were streaming down my face. You'll be glad to know I survived. The finger is sore today, it is a miracle I can even type... Just kidding, I'm full of drama... just ask my husband!
December 21, 2007
What Year Do YOU Belong in?
You Belong in 1995 |
![]() With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good! |
*Take the quiz and post your year in the comments!
December 20, 2007
Two posts in 1 day means school is out!
It also means I am stuck at home due to a sick Lukie (virus), Wilson (bronchitis) and Andy (sinus infection). Andy and Wilson are on antibiotics so Wilson is on the mend. Andy just started his today. Luke hasn't thrown up since 11:30 last night so he is on the mend too.
**I've updated my list from what I did today!! Yay me!!
School is Out Checklist
_X _ Finish Christmas shopping ( I haven't even started for Andy yet. Other than his stocking.)
_X _ Wrap gifts
___ Clean ENTIRE house
_X_ Mail Christmas cards (did today!)
_X _ Catch up on laundry
___ Weekend Getaway with Andy
___ Get a massage!
_X _ Get LOTS of sleep
_X_ Watch movies (Watched one last night! More needed though!)
___Celebrate 7 year anniversary!
___Plan Wilson and Luke's birthday party
___Work on National Board stuff
_X _ Get a book to read for fun over break Something Borrowed
___Get all 3 boys feeling better (Almost there)
___ DO NOT GET SICK! (fighting off what Andy and Wilson have)
_X_ Start Exercising...Again (Went on a 2 mile walk with Wilson today!)
_X_ Update Blog (Check. Check.)
_X_ Find long lost friends on facebook! (Are you starting to see why the other things towards the top of the list aren't checked off yet?!)
Hopefully I'll get a lot done in the next few days before Christmas!
**I've updated my list from what I did today!! Yay me!!
School is Out Checklist
_X _ Finish Christmas shopping ( I haven't even started for Andy yet. Other than his stocking.)
_X _ Wrap gifts
___ Clean ENTIRE house
_X_ Mail Christmas cards (did today!)
_X _ Catch up on laundry
___ Weekend Getaway with Andy
___ Get a massage!
_X _ Get LOTS of sleep
_X_ Watch movies (Watched one last night! More needed though!)
___Celebrate 7 year anniversary!
___Plan Wilson and Luke's birthday party
___Work on National Board stuff
_X _ Get a book to read for fun over break Something Borrowed
___Get all 3 boys feeling better (Almost there)
___ DO NOT GET SICK! (fighting off what Andy and Wilson have)
_X_ Start Exercising...Again (Went on a 2 mile walk with Wilson today!)
_X_ Update Blog (Check. Check.)
_X_ Find long lost friends on facebook! (Are you starting to see why the other things towards the top of the list aren't checked off yet?!)
Hopefully I'll get a lot done in the next few days before Christmas!
Luke = Sick
Yesterday morning when Luke woke up Andy found a nasty surprise in the crib- throw-up. Luke was sick. He threw up one other time in the morning and just layed around all day wanting to be held. I stayed home from my small group's Christmas party and he seemed to be doing a bit better. I gave him Pedialyte and a few crackers. Things were good until about 11:30 when we heard him cry. He had thrown up in his bed again and was pitiful. I scooped him up, covering my sweatshirt in puke and held him. Got him undressed and wiped down. Then into new pj's and layed him in bed with me. He had a fever and still does this morning. We haven't thrown up yet today, he won't eat the toast or crackers I've offered but keeps saying he wants breakfast. I've given him Pedialyte and motrin since he has a fever. Hopefully he'll keep those down. Andy isn't feeling well this morning either... Not the best way to start Christmas break! I had plans! I wanted a clean house and wrapped presents and playtime with the boys! But maybe today I'll just be holding Luke which is fine, he keeps saying "snuggle" in his pitiful voice. Just pray he gets well soon. We had another Christmas party tonight and I don't want to miss two in a row. Oh well, that happens when you're a mommy. Why is it that every winter break it seems one of us is sick???
December 13, 2007
Christmas Cookies!
Last Saturday I went over to my mom's house to make Gingerbread houses and Christmas cookies! Wilson and Luke were very excited about the day! Cara and her girls were there too. We had a lot of fun. Andy came over later and we started a gingerbread house together. I had trouble getting started without him because I wanted it to look just right, but knew I couldn't do it that way on my own!! Once Andy was there we were able to do it together. Luke ate more than he made I think! It was a lot of fun. When we finish the house I'll post a picture!
December 10, 2007
Annual Christmas Play
Look at my precious boys! I am proud to say that they were both very brave and acted as a wonderful Shepherd and Sheep! Wilson needed a little convincing on Saturday and then he was ready. He was a little concerned at first because he thought when he got a costume he was going to have to take off his clothes! After a little reassuring he was good. Luke did well at practice but then on Sunday kept telling me that he didn't want to be a sheep! Every time I mentioned it he said "no".
During the play Wilson was VERY serious! He never smiled, just sat very still and quiet. Luke was up on the stage and down in my lap, back and forth. Then he realized sitting on stage was pretty fun so he stayed! Towards the end during Joy to the World he was front and center and dancing in his own calm way! It was SOO cute. I tried to take a video but my memory stick was full. It was fun!
December 8, 2007
Luke Update
Well, Luke has been eating, just only when it is something he likes! Still no success in the try new things department. He even refused Hoppin John this week which he always used to love. We're still not giving in to him though. If he doesn't like what is for dinner he doesn't get anything else. Thankfully each night there has been at least something he'll eat so it hasn't been as awful as it was on this day and this day. I'm not sure why he is so picky. He didn't learn it from Wilson! Textures also seem to be an issue. Last week we got hamburgers and he took a bite, ate the bread and spit the meat back out. Thankfully he does like cheeseburgers from McDonald's (minus the pickle).
We're heading over to Gamma's today to make Gingerbread Cookie Houses (as Wilson calls them) and to decorate Christmas cookies! Wilson has been looking forward to this for.ever. He is really excited! I'll post pics later. We also have play practice for the church Christmas play (keep your fingers crossed, Wilson is supposed to be a Shepherd and Luke a Sheep!). I did get some Christmas shopping done last night so I feel like I've started now! I bought 4 gift plus ordered 2 more online. Yipee! Tonight Andy and I have a date night (I'm actually dressing up, in a black dress! Shocking!) and I'm really excited about that. We're going to dinner with friends from school. I'll have lots to post later!
We're heading over to Gamma's today to make Gingerbread Cookie Houses (as Wilson calls them) and to decorate Christmas cookies! Wilson has been looking forward to this for.ever. He is really excited! I'll post pics later. We also have play practice for the church Christmas play (keep your fingers crossed, Wilson is supposed to be a Shepherd and Luke a Sheep!). I did get some Christmas shopping done last night so I feel like I've started now! I bought 4 gift plus ordered 2 more online. Yipee! Tonight Andy and I have a date night (I'm actually dressing up, in a black dress! Shocking!) and I'm really excited about that. We're going to dinner with friends from school. I'll have lots to post later!
December 7, 2007
What Holiday are you??
You Are Thanksgiving |
![]() You are a bit of a homebody who enjoys being in the company of people you love. It doesn't take a lot to make you happy. You're enjoying life as it is. You have many blessings in your life, and you are grateful for each one. You believe that life is about what you *do* have. You feel like you have enough of the good stuff. What makes you celebrate: Family, friends, and the changing of the seasons. At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The host of the party On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: Spend so much energy preparing that it's a full time job |
Let me know in the comments!
December 6, 2007
December 5, 2007
Meet Silas!

Wow! Is he cute or what?! This is my soon to be nephew! Cara and Jason have now started a new blog titled Seeking Our Silas. Read more about Silas here! It will give you all the details on how they found Silas and how God put him on their hearts. I shared a picture of him with my students today and they were very excited!
December 4, 2007
Look at this hilarious video!
I saw part of this on TV today and thought it was so funny! Andy doesn't see it as funny as I do. Maybe you'll appreciate it!
December 1, 2007
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