October 30, 2008

Ty's birthmark.

Most of you know that when Tyler was born the right side of his face was noticeably (at least noticeable to me!) pinker. The pinkness has not gone away and the pediatrician referred us to the dermatologist. I took Ty this morning for his appointment and did not get the news I was hoping to hear. The doc came in and looked at it and said she wanted her colleague's opinions. So then 4 more doctors came in and looked. They agreed that it is a port wine stain. It is really light right now and gets darker when he cries or gets mad. Apparently these birthmarks start light in color and can get darker as the child grows up. The concern with the birthmark is that it is partially on the scalp and eye. This can result in Sturge-Weber Syndrome. That's not good news so please pray that the capillaries causing the birthmark are not on his brain or eye. I am trying to trust that things will be okay. The next step is to go to Cincinatti Children's Hospital - the Vascular unit and find out more about his birthmark. They'll look at his eye and possibly do an MRI to see if the capillaries have the potential to cause problems. I called Cara and talked to her because she always has a logical perspective. Sometimes I get too caught up in the what if's and so we talked about it and she looked up the Sturge Weber Syndrome and read me the details. I'm not going to let myself think about the possibilities of what the syndrome can bring- because I have to wait and see what the doctors say. Otherwise I would make myself sick with worry. Tyler is happy and healthy and will make it through whatever we find out, and like Cara said, God won't give us anything we can't handle.


Abby said...

Alyssa that is a good perspective to have. I cant imagine what you as a mother can feel but I know that God never gives us more than we can handle and everything will work out. I will definitely keep you all in my prayers. Miss you!

Boo said...

That's scary! I'm sure everything will be fine but it's still scary. When do you get to go to doctor again?

Alyssa said...

We're waiting to hear when the appt at Cinn. Children's is -our pediatrician has to schedule the appt.