February 24, 2009

I'm Sick

Sunday night I wasn't feeling super- had some drainage and could tell I was fighting something off. Monday went to school and over the course of the day I lost my voice. Last night I cancelled on a meeting I was supposed to attend and did minimal talking at home to try and be able to go to work today. I used up every sick day I had for my 8 week maternity leave from Ty's birth. So this morning I was drinking my coffee and trying to wake up to start getting ready. You know how when you are sick like this it is always worse in the mornings. Kept thinking I'd clear up a little but nope. Even more of "no voice" if that is possible. So I had to call in sick. Which isn't good because being out of sick days means I'm taking a day without pay. Believe me, I weighed out my decision. When you have to talk all day for your job and you have no voice, I didn't have an option. I'll be going to the dr to find out what is wrong. I tried to go back to bed but it was too close to my coffee consumption! I better have a voice tomorrow. Two days without pay ARE NOT an option!

1 comment:

Cara said...

I'm sorry you're sick! Hope you feel better very soon.