April 29, 2008
It's A Boy!!!
We're thrilled! We would have been either way. Baby measured where it should and everything looked good. Wilson and Andy came with me while Luke was napping while Uncle Bill stayed over at our house. Wilson was really interested in the ultra sound jelly. Now we'll decide on a name!!
Andy, Alyssa, and the BOYS!!!
By the way, Wilson batted twice again at his game last night. I am such a proud mama! He overcame his fear! He even fielded a ball in the outfield!
April 28, 2008
Will's First Hit
Saturday's game was Wilson's big breakthrough. During the team's second time at bat, Wilson's turn in the line up came. This has been the moment in each game that had gotten the best of Will. He wanted to bat, but it was too intimidating for him with the crowds. Saturday, the crowd was small and quiet, and Wilson slowly moved to the Tee dragging his bat in the dirt. At the Tee his coach got him in place and talked to him for a moment. Wilson swung the bat, hit the ball, and took off down the baseline with his hands covering his eyes. He got to first safe and realized how easy it was. Everyone was giving him high fives and he was just beaming.
The next time at bat he did even better.
After the game, Wilson was given the game ball by the coach for going up and batting.
April 27, 2008
Wilson went up to bat TWICE at his game yesterday!! He had no fans at this game, just daddy. Me and Luke weren't there. I guess that is what he needed to get over the fear of batting etc. Andy is going to post about the game and post pics too. I just couldn't make you wait to find out any longer!! Read about what Wilson earned here for batting!
Read an update on my mom's b-day here, I clearly forgot my camera and will just link you to Cara's post so you can see pics!
Yesterday I went to a wonderful shower for Jenn. You'll notice I also forgot my camera to this event. You can look at a picture slide show at her cousin's blog here. Clearly I need to always keep my camera in my bag!
Also, I've had 5 wonderful customers for my new business this week! I think I can do this Mary Kay thing! Visit my friend Tricia's site for info about our MK adventure!
April 23, 2008
Independent Beauty Consultant
1. Pay off Mary Kay start-up costs
2. Buy Andy a new cell phone. His screen was stepped on by a ladder and doesn't work. It's seen better days! He refuses to get a new phone so I'll present him with one!
2. Save money for hospital bills of baby #3
3. Save money for my big family vacation next year
4. Save money to buy a 4 bedroom house with a basement and fireplace :) (More than 1200 square feet for 5, please!!!)
5. Save money for a mini-van for our big family!
Let me know if you have any questions about MK, would like to become a consultant or want to host a party to earn free make-up! I also get to bring friends to events including make-overs, etc and would love to bring you! I took Jenn a couple weeks ago and she loved it. This Saturday Stephanie and Tricia are going to a Muffins & Makeover session with me!!
Couple incentives:
Host a party, earn free make up!
Free gift with $40 purchase- right now it is a sample microdermabrasion kit (one of my favorite products)
Save 10% with internet orders!
Happy Birthday, Mom!
April 19, 2008
T-ball Games
Lazy Saturday Morning!
April 11, 2008
You've got to listen to this!
You've got to watch this video of Luke sleeping! We realized while we were camping that he is a heavy breather while asleep. In the camper he snored so loud Andy and I had trouble sleeping! Now that he is in his toddler bed we're leaving his door open at night and when I'm up after he's in bed I can hear his sweet breathing down the hall! Precious.
Lukie had his first accident yesterday. He was walking into the Y with Wilson and Daddy and somehow bumped into the door. Andy turned around and blood was dripping down his face. The Y was so kind and provided first aid and called today to check on him. Luke did go to the doctor and did not need stiches. He has 3 steri strips under his bandaid to help it heal. We are supposed to keep the bandages on and keep the area dry. Andy said Luke cried for about 2 minutes even though blood was dripping in his eye and down his face. He was a brave little guy. His daddy is very smart about first aid so he had a clean diaper against the cut, applying pressure in no time while the Y staff was getting the first aid kit. By the time they were there with the kit the bleeding had stopped. We're so thankful it wasn't more than a bad cut.
April 10, 2008
You do the math.
# of times puked in the 4 days I've been back to work : FIVE (5)
(Yes you read that right. 3 separate times on Monday and 2 times on Wednesday. 3+2=5)
Hmmm...maybe my body is trying to tell me something!
April 8, 2008
A perfect afternoon!
4:30- Met with our financial advisor and opened 2 Roth IRA accounts that will serve as retirement and college fund. (Next step is a will.)
5:20- Picked up Chinese takeout
5:30- Enjoyed a picnic with my new Market Tote (Thanks, Jenn!!!) and a picnic blanket at the park. (We had wanted these totes for a couple years but they were too expensive. Jenn found them at TJ Maxx for $10!! Ours are black :) I love it!)
6:00-7:00 - Was a proud mama as Wilson PARTICIPATED in the voluntary (very low key) t-ball practice out in a grassy field with his coach and 5 other teammates. Hung out with Heather.
7:00-Played at the park
8:00- Boys in bed!
We made the most of this nice day before the weather changes. Sorry no pics! We didn't bring the camera.
April 7, 2008
Movin' on up!
April 6, 2008
Baby #3
Boy names:
-Marshall Wade
-Ty (I just like Ty. Mom thought of Tyler Wade and call him Ty. Not sure if I want his name to be Tyler. No middle names we've thought of for just Ty yet.)
- Henley (Mom has already made her opinion clear here!! Plus we realized having a Finley & a Henley in the family is kind of dorky!! I still like it though!)
- Timothy Wade
Girl Names:
-Claire Ellen
-Lauren Claire
**We have a family name in each of the boys' names. I want this one to have a family or special friend name in it too. Wade and Claire are special friend names. Ellen in my mom's name! What name(s) do you like from these??
April 5, 2008
Season 3
Camping Trip!
Hanging out around the fire on the first day.
Goin' exploring!
Ladies turn washing dishes!
Let's bring Silas home!!

April 4, 2008
Spring Break Update
* Baby appointment was good. I went by myself and thankfully it was pretty quick. About an hour. Which is unfortunately a quick visit. All of which I saw the dr for about 5 minutes! Gained 1 more pound. Listened to heartbeat. Scheduled for my ultrasound April 29th!
* Camping was fun! We unfortunately woke up to rain on Thursday and it didn't stop. So we packed up in the rain. Not fun. We then went to eat pizza at Miguel's and then came home. More camping details and pictures later.
* My sister is having a HUGE yard sale adoption fundraiser today and tomorrow. I was there yesterday from 6-11pm helping. Plus we made dinner together. It was all set up when mom, Terry and I left. All the boys are still sleeping but I'm getting ready to head over and help.
* My house is a wreck! All the camping stuff is everywhere. I did clean the kitchen up this morning so I could go to Cara's all day without feeling too guilty about the house. I'll have all afternoon/evening to work here.
April 1, 2008
Ahhh...this is the life!
Today I have baby appointment #3. I've been to both of the others alone which is fine, just totally different from the first two pregnancies! I think Andy had missed 1 or maybe two appointments with Luke. None with Wilson. But, that's what happens with 2 kids! I don't want to parade in with the whole family for every appointment, that's for sure!! (Hi, yes, I'm here for my appointment. We don't have a baby-sitter or birth control. All said while smiling big so the lady doesn't think we're loony). All around the appointment we're getting ready for camping! I've planned the menu, still working on the laundry, made trail mix. Which I have been craving and wanting to make. Now I have my excuse. It has yogurt raisins, almonds, honey roasted peanuts, sesame sticks ( I LOVE these!), craisins, and M&M's. It is yummy. Wilson and I made it this morning. Then I made Andy's- honey roasted peanuts and m&m's. That's all he liked out of what I chose. He would want peanut butter M&M's, dried pineapple, pretzels. He does like the yogurt raisins I think, but they are all in the big bowl.
We're taking my grandparents old camper. Which I am excited about! I think it will make camping a little bit easier with the two boys. We're going with Danny, Steph, Meghan, Lily, Trey, and Uncle Bill. It will be fun!
Here is the menu:
Dinner #1- Marinated BBQ Chicken grilled over campfire, potato packets (potato slices, onions, butter, salt, pepper) all wrapped in foil and cooked over campfire, green beans, and french bread
Followed by smores later!
Breakfast #1- Pancakes, Sausage, Eggs, Hot Chocolate - It's gonna be cold!
Lunch #1- Sandwiches, chips, fruit
Dinner #2- Hot Dogs on campfire, mac & cheese, fruit
Follwed by smores later!
Breakfast #2- oatmeal, hot chocolate
We plan to hike! Play in the dirt! Sit around the campfire! Nap! Read! Enjoy the outside. I think I'm finally excited!
P.S. The National Board box should arrive to it's final destination today!