August 22, 2009

Teaching is Tough!

So I've survived my first two weeks at school with students. I have a great class, 23 second graders. I am getting to know them and love them quickly. Back to school is hard - there is SO much to do to be ready for a new group of students. I won't go into the details but I spend about 2 weeks setting up and getting ready for the first day. Now that the first two weeks are complete my team is starting reading and math instruction, with trading kids etc. on Monday. This is big because we group our students based on their assessments and form groups. We usually aren't ready to start this early in the school year but we are there now! Yesterday I worked from 7:30-4:30 with no students and still didn't get everything done that I needed to for MONDAY! My to do list is always long. I cross one thing off and add 3 more. Teaching has changed so much in just the 8+ years I've been at it...the rigor of school is so different now. So as of Monday we're in our full schedule with reading, writing, math, and social studies. AHHH!!! Yesterday I had a lot to do for my reading room - I'm teaching a new level this year. It was very overwhelming this past week as I wrapped my mind around all the components and got materials ready. I still have new things to add but I can only do so much at one time! I work with the best team of teachers and couldn't do this job without the support we give each other.

The other part this year that is a new challenge is having Wilson with me before and after school. I love having him at school for kindergarten, believe me! It is so fun to see him in the hallways and know his teacher and hear lots of things about his day from many different people! I love it! But it is hard to have a little guy following me around in the morning and after school, talking to me and asking when we can go home! It's definitely an adjustment - he plays legos, gets on the computer, and sometimes watches a cartoon which all allow me to work. We'll get used to it I'm sure. Andy picks him up a couple days a week to help me out so that is good. It's just a big change! I'm with kids from 6:30am-bedtime. Some days that can make a girl crazy! ;)

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