November 30, 2009
I took Luke and Tyler to the doctor this evening. Luke had an ear infection. Tyler has a double ear infection and bronchitis. Poor boys. Ty had just finished an antibiotic last Monday. Hopefully they'll start feeling better in a couple of days. The doctor told me to percuss? Ty's back (that may totally be the wrong word...) 3 times a day for 3 minutes each time. It's cupping your hand and patting him on the back to loosen the junk in his chest. I tried tonight. Lasted about 20-30 are you supposed to get a 14 month old to sit still and thump on their back for 3 minutes?
November 29, 2009
Pomegranate Punch
Pomegranate-Champagne Punch
1 1/2 cups pomegranate juice
1 cup pear nectar
1/4 cup orange liqueur
1 bottle (750ml) champagne (I used Cook's since it was going in a punch)
Mix first 3 ingredients. Slowly add champagne. Serve over ice.
Click title for picture. Yum!!
1 1/2 cups pomegranate juice
1 cup pear nectar
1/4 cup orange liqueur
1 bottle (750ml) champagne (I used Cook's since it was going in a punch)
Mix first 3 ingredients. Slowly add champagne. Serve over ice.
Click title for picture. Yum!!
Thankful Post
I have so much to be thankful for in life. I know I'm a few days late but I still want to take the time to share what I am thankful for...
* My husband who loves me and can fix EVERYTHING!
* Wilson- my hard worker and helper who is learning so much!
* Luke- my sweet tender hearted boy who has a great sense of humor!
* Ty- so sweet and I LOVE to kiss those soft, full cheeks!
* My mom, dad, sister, Maw-maw, Paw-paw, Carol, Dan, SIL's, BIL's, nieces, nephews, and all the extended family we have!
* Living close to a big part of our extended family. We won't give that up.
* A job so we can pay the bills!
* Our house- we have enough room to spread out and even have people over now!
* 2 cars that run! We're very thankful for our van!
* Andy's part time youth pastor job that allows him to stay home with our boys
* getting to take Wilson to the school where I teach!
* my small group
* our church
* the unconditional love that I don't deserve from my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ
...and SOO many more!!!
* My husband who loves me and can fix EVERYTHING!
* Wilson- my hard worker and helper who is learning so much!
* Luke- my sweet tender hearted boy who has a great sense of humor!
* Ty- so sweet and I LOVE to kiss those soft, full cheeks!
* My mom, dad, sister, Maw-maw, Paw-paw, Carol, Dan, SIL's, BIL's, nieces, nephews, and all the extended family we have!
* Living close to a big part of our extended family. We won't give that up.
* A job so we can pay the bills!
* Our house- we have enough room to spread out and even have people over now!
* 2 cars that run! We're very thankful for our van!
* Andy's part time youth pastor job that allows him to stay home with our boys
* getting to take Wilson to the school where I teach!
* my small group
* our church
* the unconditional love that I don't deserve from my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ
...and SOO many more!!!
This has been such a wonderful Thanksgiving! We stayed home for the first time in 10 or more years. It was nice to have the boys in their own rooms for sleeping. It is hard to have 5 people in one bedroom! We spend Thanksgiving with Andy's family and even though we were home we were still together which was nice! Wednesday night all 20 people came here. I made a big pot of chili, pumpkin dessert, and pomegranate punch (recipe to come). Everyone else contributed paper products, hot dogs for the kids, fruit/veggies, and drinks. It was a nice evening. The cousins had a blast of course (9 kids). On Thursday we got together for our Thanksgiving lunch at our church. It just made it easier to have more room for so many people. We brought our food already cooked to the church and hung out downstairs while the turkeys heated up. The cousins had drawn names so they got to open their gift from each other while Ethan, Finley, and Rori were in town. Thursday night was girls night and we all went to see New Moon. I loved it. Great movie. Team Edward for me...though I like Jacob better after seeing the movie. He is good for Bella! On Friday we met up for lunch at Cheddar's and then Friday night was boys night. They hung out at a friend's house and watched the WV game. The girls and kiddos got together at my house for pizza and makeovers. The kids were playing and all the girls did Mary Kay makeovers. It was fun! Now the Florida family is gone...time to get back to the usual routine. It was a GREAT Thanksgiving holiday! Today we are decorating for Christmas after church!
November 21, 2009
November 19, 2009
Updates from the last post!
Luke's head is healing. The bump is gone but the bruise looks awful. I'm trying not to be paranoid of him falling again but it's hard!
Tyler's appointment at CCH went very well. No ophthalmology concerns! ie: no glaucoma! Next appointment is in about a month for neurology.
Wilson is struggling again with walking to his class. He is licking his lips until his skin is raw. How many times a day can andy or I tell him to put chapstick on? Tonight I'm getting aquaphor to try b/c the vaseline at night isn't cutting it.
Termite inspection didn't happen on Wednesday, it is now scheduled for tomorrow morning.
I've got to go Shred!
Tyler's appointment at CCH went very well. No ophthalmology concerns! ie: no glaucoma! Next appointment is in about a month for neurology.
Wilson is struggling again with walking to his class. He is licking his lips until his skin is raw. How many times a day can andy or I tell him to put chapstick on? Tonight I'm getting aquaphor to try b/c the vaseline at night isn't cutting it.
Termite inspection didn't happen on Wednesday, it is now scheduled for tomorrow morning.
I've got to go Shred!
November 16, 2009
Luke's Fall
Yesterday after church we were standing outside. Andy and I were talking and the kids were running around with their cousins. There were a lot of people hanging around talking. We were getting ready to go and had called the boys to come. Wilson runs by, then Luke. Next thing I know I watch Luke trip and fall. He fell face first into the concrete. He did not catch his fall at all other than with his forehead. The sound of the head hitting the concrete was horrible - I could feel the thud. I dropped what I was holding and grabbed him up. There was already a huge knot on his head, turning blueish/purple. I froze. Andy grabbed him from me to get ice on his head and I just stood there holding Ty. I guess Andy handed me Ty when he took Luke from me...I have no idea. Thankfully, my friend Heather asked me if she could take Ty so I could go check on Luke and I snapped to it and ran in to check on him. I think I was panicking and in shock that it looked so horrible immediately. I ran in and Andy had ice on it and he was sobbing. We sat down and Nellie, a woman at our church who is also a nurse checked him out. I was crying at this point because my baby boy was hurting and it looked so awful. I just hurt for him. I hated that it happened. After ten minutes or so we walked outside. I called the after hours clinic for our Doctor's office and they talked to me about signs for concussion and what to do in 2 hours, 4 hours, and the next two nights. Then Luke had a big cup of icecream from McDon*ald's for lunch. He was pitiful. We couldn't give him any tylenol because we were watching for the pain to go away, dr's orders. We were supposed to keep a very close eye on him for 2 hours. Then last night and tonight we are to wake him every 4 hours to check that he can talk and walk. It was so scary. I am so thankful that he is ok.
Last week Wilson got tubes. Yesterday Luke had a bad fall. Tomorrow Tyler goes to CCH for an eye appointment. Today Andy told me he thinks we might have termites. We have an appointment on Wednesday. What else? I can't take any more!
Last week Wilson got tubes. Yesterday Luke had a bad fall. Tomorrow Tyler goes to CCH for an eye appointment. Today Andy told me he thinks we might have termites. We have an appointment on Wednesday. What else? I can't take any more!
November 12, 2009
The First Appointment
Today Wilson had his first appointment with the play therapist. I told him about it as we were literally running out of school to the car. I didn't want him to stress about it beforehand. He handled it well and I explained why we were going, that she was going to be his friend, someone with whom he could talk about his worries. When we got there he was nervous but I was right there with him. We sat down while he met J and then she gave him a tour of her office and playroom. He was excited about the playroom. Then she asked him if I could wait down stairs on the couch while they played and talked. He was hesitant but agreed to it and did so well! I could hear faintly some of the things they talked about. He was open and willing to talk! I was so proud of him.
- They made a bag of his worries. I was really straining to hear these- good thing b/c I learned about some new ones he hadn't shared. My heart was breaking listening to these. I'm glad I strained to hear because when we left and were talking, he didn't repeat them to me.
- They are referring to his worry as a dragon- his fear feeds the dragon and she is teaching him that he shouldn't feed the dragon.
- He got to play in some sand while they talked.
- They practiced a breathing exercise he is supposed to do when he feels the worry coming over him (breathe in 5, hold 5, breathe out 5).
- He said he comes to him mommy for help when he is worrying. And he does. Though some of his worries I had no idea about. I hate that he carries this around inside of him. She said it was really good that he has a coping strategy already of coming to me for help. I am SO thankful for J and how willing Wilson was about talking to her. This could be a great thing!
- They made a bag of his worries. I was really straining to hear these- good thing b/c I learned about some new ones he hadn't shared. My heart was breaking listening to these. I'm glad I strained to hear because when we left and were talking, he didn't repeat them to me.
- They are referring to his worry as a dragon- his fear feeds the dragon and she is teaching him that he shouldn't feed the dragon.
- He got to play in some sand while they talked.
- They practiced a breathing exercise he is supposed to do when he feels the worry coming over him (breathe in 5, hold 5, breathe out 5).
- He said he comes to him mommy for help when he is worrying. And he does. Though some of his worries I had no idea about. I hate that he carries this around inside of him. She said it was really good that he has a coping strategy already of coming to me for help. I am SO thankful for J and how willing Wilson was about talking to her. This could be a great thing!
November 10, 2009
Wilson has tubes!
Yesterday Wilson did so well getting his tubes. I am so thankful that they are in - now he'll be able to hear better! He did such a good job at the Surgery Center. I think he wanted tubes badly enough (so that he could hear) that he didn't whine about it too much beforehand. The night before he realized getting tubes gave him an extra day off so he was okay with it!! The morning of he was hungry and upset about not being able to eat. Once we got there I could tell he was nervous but he held it together. I was so proud of him! We had explained how everything would work and the nurses there were very kind to him. When it was time for him to walk back without us he was definitely nervous and did not want us to leave him - but we had to. I hated not being able to stay with him until he was asleep but I made myself walk away and told him I loved him and he could do it! He held the male nurse's hand and walked with him. He didn't want to ride on the rolling bed! Then Andy and I turned the corner and sneakily watched him walk all the way down the hall like a big, brave boy! I was so proud of him because I know that it was hard for him to do. About 15-20 minutes later he was done and starting to wake up. He got a purple popsicle. Then we took him to Pan*era, his breakfast choice so he could get a pumpkin muffin. He ate the WHOLE thing! Usually he just gets a this was pretty special!!
November 7, 2009
Wilson is getting tubes on Monday. He is doing very well at school. He enjoys school and his friends. He is doing well on all of his weekly sight word tests and has gotten 100% on each of his spelling tests so far. I'm so proud of him! Academically and socially he is making a lot of progress. He had a great first report card. I'm so thankful he is having a great first experience with school...but I knew he would because I got to pick his teacher! Thanks Mrs. Dowd!
Luke had a nightmare about worms being in his bed a couple nights ago. I went in there and he adamantly told me there were worms in his bed!!! I had to calm him down and tell him there were no worms in his soft cozy, bed. A few weeks before that he fell out of bed one night. I heard him crying and went in there. Felt around and his bed was empty. I just sat there confused for a few seconds and then I heard "I'm under here!". He had fallen out of bed and somehow ended up underneath his bed! I laughed out loud in the middle of the night!
Tyler has 6 teeth. He points at everything. He is crusing around but not walking and eating everything in sight! He loves watching his big brothers and being around them. He also likes looking out the window of his room to see what is going on. He still loves his swing outside too.
The big boys got two new pairs of shoes each today. Wilson's foot had grown a whole size!
I got some me time today and went to Kohl's and Wal*mart. I bought a pair of flat black shoes I really like and ...30 Day Shred. It about killed me tonight. My muscles were like jello for a while. I know I will be sore tomorrow. I haven't run in a long time. I hate to run at night in the dark and it gets dark so early. Hoping I can do 30 a row - or as close to in a row as possible.
Luke had a nightmare about worms being in his bed a couple nights ago. I went in there and he adamantly told me there were worms in his bed!!! I had to calm him down and tell him there were no worms in his soft cozy, bed. A few weeks before that he fell out of bed one night. I heard him crying and went in there. Felt around and his bed was empty. I just sat there confused for a few seconds and then I heard "I'm under here!". He had fallen out of bed and somehow ended up underneath his bed! I laughed out loud in the middle of the night!
Tyler has 6 teeth. He points at everything. He is crusing around but not walking and eating everything in sight! He loves watching his big brothers and being around them. He also likes looking out the window of his room to see what is going on. He still loves his swing outside too.
The big boys got two new pairs of shoes each today. Wilson's foot had grown a whole size!
I got some me time today and went to Kohl's and Wal*mart. I bought a pair of flat black shoes I really like and ...30 Day Shred. It about killed me tonight. My muscles were like jello for a while. I know I will be sore tomorrow. I haven't run in a long time. I hate to run at night in the dark and it gets dark so early. Hoping I can do 30 a row - or as close to in a row as possible.
Happy Birthday to Andy!
A couple days late, but we've been busy! Happy 31st birthday sweetie! Andy's birthday was on Thursday. He had a nice day. We celebrated at his favorite restaurant, O'Char*ley's with his side of the family. I made him his dessert of choice, Mountain Mama Mudslide, and the boys and I gave him his gift. He wants to go on a backpacking trip to Colorado so we're going to make it happen! We also got him a couple of "stuff bags" for back packing...I think that is what they are called.
Last night Andy and I went on a date. We went out for dinner - just the two of us - and then to see David Crowder in concert!!! The concert was more for me cause I wanted to go really badly but it was nice to have a date night together! Andy enjoyed the concert as well and we met Cara and Jason at the concert and sat together. Fun times! Crowder band was awesome in concert. He had me laughing at the things he talked about between songs. He was so down to earth and real. I thoroughly enjoyed the concert. Couldn't tell you how many years it has been since I've been to a concert.
Andy rented a movie of his choice for tonight, he's watching GI J*oe. I'm going to read! I think he's had a good birthday! (picture to come of Andy in his Snu*ggie as soon as I can get him to put it on...he got one from his uncle for his birthday and I just can't wait to see him use it! Don't know if he ever will!!)
Last night Andy and I went on a date. We went out for dinner - just the two of us - and then to see David Crowder in concert!!! The concert was more for me cause I wanted to go really badly but it was nice to have a date night together! Andy enjoyed the concert as well and we met Cara and Jason at the concert and sat together. Fun times! Crowder band was awesome in concert. He had me laughing at the things he talked about between songs. He was so down to earth and real. I thoroughly enjoyed the concert. Couldn't tell you how many years it has been since I've been to a concert.
Andy rented a movie of his choice for tonight, he's watching GI J*oe. I'm going to read! I think he's had a good birthday! (picture to come of Andy in his Snu*ggie as soon as I can get him to put it on...he got one from his uncle for his birthday and I just can't wait to see him use it! Don't know if he ever will!!)
November 3, 2009
Chicken Stir-Fry
YUM. Dinner tonight was delicious! I've tried so many stir fry recipes and this is the winner! It is from Pioneer Woman, I just changed some of the veggies to suit our taste. We used broccoli, carrots, green onions, red pepper, baby corn, and water chesnuts. I left out the cilantro. I love cilantro but didn't use it in stir fry. The rest of the recipe I followed as stated on her blog. Here is the recipe.
November 1, 2009
Halloween Pics
The boys had a great time trick or treating last night as Spiderman and Optimus Prime. We went around our court and then down part of my grandparents street. Our area was kind of dead! We definitely don't need to buy much candy for trick or treaters. On Thursday, Luke had his first preschool party. He sang the songs, participated in the costume parade, and played the games. SO different from when Wilson had parties at preschool. He wouldn't sing any of the songs and HATED the costume parade! They are so different. Tyler was along for the ride as a tiger.
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