September 16, 2008

C-Section Part I

I'm alive. And tired. And still in a lot of pain. Apparently sections combined with gettin your tubes tied = more pain. I'm kind of feeling my stiches as of Tuesday night/Wednesday. My brain is kind of foggy but I wanted to tell you more about Ty's big entrance into the world! (I started this post over 24 hours ago but am just now getting back to it!)

I actually got a pretty good night's sleep Thursday (September 11). I woke up Friday morning and took a shower. Constantly had to tell myself no breakfast, no water, NOTHING to eat or drink! It was hard! My mom came over and we left the house a little after 8. Got to the hospital right on time and checked in. It was super quick. Went over to labor and delivery unit and they sent us to the waiting room. After 45 minutes in the waiting room I sent Andy back to make sure they didn't forget about us. After another 10-15 minutes we were taken to the c-section prep room. I had to change into a hospital gown and climb into the bed. They started asking tons of questions and entering stuff in the computer. I got my IV and blood drawn, hospital bracelets on etc. The anesthesiologist came in and talked to me about the spinal and Andy was given scrubs to put on. Then my doctor came in and made sure I was ready. Among the nurses, doctor, and anesthesiologist I think I was asked 100 times if we were sure I wanted my tubes tied. YES. I got a little emotional just a few minutes before they wheeled me back, it was scary and overwhelming. Then it was time. The nurse and I rolled down the hall, Andy wasn't allowed back yet. He went to tell the family in the waiting room to walk down near the baby nursery in about 10 minutes to see the baby. Then he went to get his scrubs on. Meanwhile in the operating room I was being given a spinal, hooked up to machines etc. I started getting really groggy. I was making myself stay awake but kept having to close my eyes. It was crazy how quickly I became numb from my toes to the top of my belly. I'd never been in an Operating Room before so I was looking around at everything. They had me on a table with my arms out like a T. Then Andy came in and sat right by my head. That was good. Next thing I knew they had started the c-section and I felt pulling and tugging but that was all. Then I heard "he's huge! Look at those cheeks!". Then crying! They lifted him up over the big blue sheet so I could see him and he dripped blood/fluid on my gown! He was precious. They took him over to monitor him etc and kept working on me. Andy got to carry him down the hall to the nursery and pass by the family. I was in the OR for a while. I was in and out and don't remember much of that part other than warm blankets. They asked again about getting my tubes tied (yes) and finally I was finished. My doctor wheeled me into the recovery room (same place I had been before) and Andy showed back up. He told me about Ty and how much he weighed (9lbs 5 oz), how long he was (19in) etc. I don't remember too many details. Then they brought him to me and I got to hold him and love on him and feed him. It was all worth it! Sometime later they came and got Tyler to go back to the nursery and we were taken to our own hospital room. I was on bedrest for 12 hours and on a clear liquid diet. When we got to the room my feet were tingling from the anesthesia. Andy kept poking my legs saying "Can you feel this?" he thought that was funny! I was given some medicine and chicken broth. We waited on Ty. Throughout the day I had more broth, jello, water, and cranberry juice. Tyler came to the room and was ready to eat again. My mom brought the boys up for a little visit. So good to see them and they were so excited to meet Ty and hold him. Later that night Stephanie, Danny, Trey, Lily and Dan came to visit. I was feeling pretty good. That night we got a little sleep, they had to keep coming in to give me medicine, check my BP, check my temperature, etc. They also had to come take Ty for his assessment. I had to sleep with some weird cuff like things on both calves to avoid blood clots. The next morning they came early for Ty to see the pediatrician and to take out my catheter. I'll save day 2 for the next post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look so pitiful in that 1st picture!! I bet you were pretty miserable! But Ty is absolutely gorgeous!!