September 11, 2008

Tomorrow is the big day!

Just found out the results of my amnio from today- Ty's lungs are mature and ready to go! The amnio brought some new news- They started with an ultrasound and their measurements showed him weighing 10lbs 2 oz today. I can't wait to see how much he actually weighs because Monday he was 9lbs 1 oz. The perinatal doctor said he was concerned with Ty's measurements because there was a 1 in 5 chance that shoulder dystocia could occur. Meaning I might not be able to deliver his shoulders because of how big the measurements are- if this happened brain injury or nerve damage could occur. We felt (as did the dr) that 20% risk was too high so he said I had to have a c-section. He called my OB and she agreed. She'd already been concerned about this. So then he said I didn't have to do the amnio, that we could wait a week and schedule the c-section at 39 weeks. Andy and I decided to go ahead and have the amnio and schedule the c-section for tomorrow. My body can't handle this anymore and Ty just keeps getting bigger. Thankfully the lungs are ready so I have a scheduled c-section at 10:30. My mom is staying at our house this weekend to keep the boys so she is coming over at 8am. I have to be to the hospital at 8:30. I was a little upset about the c-section because it seems scary but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get Ty here safely. My feet are like balloons. I'm ready to be done with this pregnancy.
I took Luke to the dr this morning for his cough/congestion. He has a sinus infection. Also talked to the dr about his new eye blinking thing since we were there. We ruled out seizures and he felt Luke needs to see a pediactric opthamologist to figure out the cause. Luke did the blinking thing a TON while we were there. He really didn't seem to think it was stress related - from what he saw he thought it could be something like 1 eye being weaker than the other eye or something. So in 2-3 weeks we'll go to an eye dr for Luke. We also took the boys to the dentist today, no cavities!
Yesterday at school my fantabulous team surprised me at lunch with flowers, a cookie cake, and a gift certificate for a pedicure. It was so sweet! I actually went and used the pedicure today so I could have pretty toes at the hospital. I haven't been able to paint my toes in months! They're so pretty! My class surprised me with 3 gift cards and to-go menus for us to use after Tyler is here- Applebee's, Culver's, and Donato's. How thoughtful! It was hard to walk out of school- leaving all that behind and trusting someone else to keep things going but I know it will be ok. I have a qualified sub and a great team who will keep things going.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support- we'll need them! Andy and I are hanging in there and trusting that God is in control!


Boo said...

I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet Ty!

Unknown said...

Praying that everyone is safe and healthy tomorrow!

Cara said...

Can't wait to meet my newest nephew!! The little linebacker! : )

Sarah said...

I will be thinking of you and Ty all day tomorrow! Can't wait to meet him!

Gayla said...

We all can't wait for Ty to get here! Glad to hear you have pretty toes!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Can't wait!!

Erin said...

We can't wait to meet Ty!