September 20, 2008

C-Section Part III

Ok, last update on this. Ty is one week old yesterday and everything my body went through was totally worth it! I forgot to mention in the Part 2 that Ty was circumcised, had his picture made, and passed his hearing test! Oops! Click the link to be directed to the hospital's website with his first picture!
Sunday morning we started another day, still sore but able to eat real food which was a bonus. Andy's dad planned to come by after church to visit and bring Panera for lunch. The morning was pretty good. I think we took a walk in the hallway and by walk we grandma paced down the hallway past a few rooms and turned around. At this point I hadn't even gotten to change Ty's diaper or pick him up out of his bassinet b/c it was too hard to stand up. Andy would hand him to me and I held him a lot and fed him a lot etc. Dan showed up with lunch and we were eating and visiting. I got really hot and dizzy and wasn't feeling well. After a while I told Andy I thought I was going to get sick. Well it took me FORever to get out of bed so he just passed me this little plastic container in case I got sick. Well, I did. With Dan in there. At least it was in the bowl. We visited a little longer and I still wasn't feeling well. The nurse came to check on me and told me it was probably the pain medicine causing me to feel this way. The hospital had also lost power at this point so we were hanging out in the dark, thankfully next to a window which let a lot of light in. I was resting and Andy went to put the rest of my lunch in the fridge down the hall. He made sure I was feeling well. I had Ty on my right side and I was laying in bed. As soon as he walked out of the room I felt like I was going to get sick again. There was nothing I could do. Couldn't get out of bed by myself, didn't have anything to throw up into on the bed, and couldn't yell out after him because it hurt to speak loudly in my incision area. So I turned my head to the left and threw up all over my arm, the bed, etc several times. It. was. so. gross. I started crying and Andy walked in. He said "what happened? I thought you were feeling better?" So then he called for the nurse and they got me out of the bed, undressed and put me in the shower. I have never felt so helpless before. There were two nurses in there me showering with the curtain open because there was no light and Andy telling me where to wash. It was definitely a low point. I felt so helpless. I had already showered that morning and it wasn't easy in my condition. I got so cold my teeth were chattering when I got out and they put me back in a hospital gown so I wouldn't get sick on anymore of my jammies. The bed was clean and I laid back down. I was put back on a clear liquid diet to go easy on my stomach for the rest of the day though they did let me eat a baked potato and a piece of bread at dinner. The power was out for about 7 hours. That was a rough day. Ty had a great day though and all I could think was how in the world am I going to go home tomorrow when I can't walk, am in a terrible amount of pain and keep getting dizzy? I was scared to go home. But ready at the same time.

Monday we woke up and the pediatrician and my OB came in and discharged us. I was feeling better but still a lot of pain. We walked up the hall and back, all the way to the elevator! Andy started packing up our things and then we had to wait. Later in the morning my nurse came and took out my staples which I had been dreading but it didn't really hurt. Just felt weird. She had a pile of staples THAT CAME OUT OF MY SKIN when she was done. I tried not to look. Then she put steri strips on that stay until my 2 week follow up visit. We got our picture order for Ty, paid our bill, talked to the lactation consultant etc. It was a busy morning and everyone showed up at the same time. Around 12-1ish we left. Thankfully Andy's Uncle Bill came up that morning and helped Andy load the car and get us to the car and everything. Ty was perfect the whole day! Then we got home and had a couple hours before my mom brought the boys home. Walked into the house and mom had CLEANED the WHOLE house!!!!! It was wonderful! She had done the laundry, dusted, vacummed, organized, washed dishes, the list goes on and on. AND she had watched the boys for 3 nights and 4 days. Mom, I hope you understand how much we appreciate all that you did for us while we were in the hospital. You are wonderful and we love you! There was a sign in the yard welcoming Ty, with his birthdate, weight, length, and name. It was good to be home but the chaos that insued when the boys were back!!! Wow. Andy has been wonderful in the whole process- taking care of me day and night at the hospital, doing everything but feeding Ty in the hospital, Coming home and taking care of me, the boys, and the house. He has been amazing, and again baby, I hope you understand how much I appreciate you and all the stuff you've put up with to take care of our family and keep it running. I love you! You've definitely seen me in my most vulnerable, helpless moments!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh Alyssa, I threw up the first time I ate real food after my c-section, too (it was Jimmy Johns) so I feel your pain!! And I had to be helped in the shower, too (and the toilet...horrifying!)...funny how all modesty goes out the window, huh? Luckily it's all worth it...