September 20, 2008

Random Updates

*Yesterday was my first day WITHOUT pain medicine!
*I actually felt like a normal person with the exception of extreme sleep deprivation.
*I even helped load the dishwasher and was able to pick up/put away a few things in the house.
*Luke's MRI is scheduled for October 20th. Please pray that this is just a precautionary measure to let us know that he is healthy without any CNS problems.
*Please pray for me- I already have the panicky feeling of "HOW in the world am I going to go back to work full time and still be a mom of THREE boys?" Life is very overwhelming for me right now and I'm not even dealing with the stress of school. And that is a lot of stress. Just go read my teammate's blogs that are still there working everyday (but Sunday!). I'm about to burst into tears just typing this. I'm at the point where (and I've been there with each of by precious babies) I can't imagine leaving Ty for the whole day. How will he survive without his mama? (and YES, I know he will but that is how I feel).
*Andy had a Youth Lock-In last night, he was already sleep deprived, pray for him.


Stephanie said...

I know now it seems overwhelming b/c it is. Adding a child is a HUGE change in your routine, daily life, etc etc. It will get easier and there will be tough days, but you will get through them. The key is to take a deep breath and know that you are not alone. I still have a hard time leaving Trey and he is 2! I will be praying for you to be at peace so that you can enjoy the time you are at home! We love you!

Boo said...

It will all work out! Things are calming down at school already! We miss you but you're where you need to be. We'll worry about coming back when that time comes.