July 28, 2007

Oh. My. Gosh.

OK, so no pictures from Trey's party last night. I was about and hour and a half late. Yep, that's right. We were loading the car to head to the party. I had taken out my small group book that had an ink pen tucked inside. The pen didn't have a cap on it. One of those blue papermate pens. So anyway, we got both boys in and I was going to carry a couple things inside and grab the camera. Well the ink pen slipped out of the workbook and landed by my foot. I was wearing flip flops and didn't realize it had fallen out. Who cares anyway, it's just an ink pen, right? WRONG. It was an evil pen, one that caused a puncture wound in my foot (yeah, you read that right, an ink pen stabbed my FOOT). Apparently the pen landed just so that when I took a step it was jabbed into my foot. It hurt so bad, I thought it was a stick. I looked down to find the blue pen sticking out of my foot. I freaked out and had to pull the pen out of my skin. It was in fairly deep for a pen/foot combination. After I pulled out the pen there was a hole in my foot. I called it a big, deep hole. Andy might have described it differently. Anyway, it hurt bad and began to bleed. I really didn't know if I would need stitches or not. Now, remember we were on the way to Trey's 1st b-day party so Wilson is saying he's ready to go to the party NOW and Andy is wanting to get there too (his parents are in town). He tried to convince me that it wasn't that bad, that he could clean it and put a band-aid on it. But my worrisome self insisted on going to the Urgent Treatment Center. I was quite freaked out. So Andy dropped me off at the UTC and took the boys to the party. His parents are in town so Mimi watched them. Then he came back to pick me up. Basically, I got a tetanus shot and a band-aid. The Dr. said it would heal up fine on it's own. Of course I was feeling a little silly but I did need the tetanus shot. I had carried the pen in to show the dr but she didn't want to see it! Well everything was fine and good after that. I made it to the rest of Trey's party and the foot wasn't hurting too bad. But then, this morning when Lukie woke me up bright and early I couldn't hardly walk to get him. My foot is SO sore. Dr. didn't tell me I might not be able to walk. I just took 800mg ibuprofen and that has taken the pain away a little bit. If I tried to reenact this incident for you I think it would be impossible. Probably a once in a lifetime fluke. Leave it to me!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

evil evil pen!