August 14, 2008

A/C, Poop, Emails

Like the title? Here is the info:
Poop- I've spent at least 20 minutes today and yesterday cleaning poop. NOT FUN. Luke is having trouble with potty training for #2's because he doesn't like to sit on the potty. The last couple days he has had loose bm's. So poop accidents coupled with that is not fun to clean up. My hands are so dry from all the hand washing. I think I'll use some Satin Hands!

A/C- Andy had the AC guy come by today. It's the motor. A motor costs about $400. We replaced said motor about 4 years ago. It's a temporary fix because the heating/cooling unit is original to the house. About 37 years old. So the whole thing needs to be replaced. That costs about $4000. So we're left with a decision. Throw away $400 and save money to replace it in the spring before we try to sell the house. Or SOMEHOW??? come up with money for a down payment and finance the rest to get the whole unit replaced now? That would save us $ on our heating this winter too. Going without AC? Not really an option b/c I'm coming upon my allergy season- ragweed. I usually don't spend much time outside in August-September because my allergies go crazy. Hmmm... We just financed the siding since the wood is rotting and it had to be done. We have to figure out if we can afford to finance this now too.

Emails- Yesterday and today Andy sent me a quick email at school. They have made my day and let me know what the boys are up to. Today he also told me the A/C guy was coming to check the unit and did I want him to put the meatloaf in the crockpot? YES!! So I came home with dinner mostly made! It was so thoughtful and today he even attached a picture of Wilson reading to Luke in the "bird nest" that they built. It's the little things in life that make me happy and keep me going. Thanks baby for thinking of me and sending me those little updates to get me through my day! I love you!

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