August 7, 2008

Still Kickin'

What? You've missed my posts? Sorry! Life has been BUSY. School is taking over and summer is over. Here is what has been going on:
-Worked all day Monday, first day in my room by myself without kids. Got a lot done. Missed the boys and Andy though! Came home and when Luke woke up from his nap he wouldn't speak to me or let me near him. He was mad at me for having been at work!
Tuesday- Had a successful parent orientation, spent the day with Wilson and Luke.
Wednesday- Worked all day labeling 1,549,399 things with kid names. And I'm. Not. Done. Do you non elementary school teachers know how many things we label??? It is ridiculous- names go on so many things. The entire morning and part of the afternoon was spent on writing out names. I still have to put these names onto different things too such as notebooks, folders, desks, supply tubs, etc. Not done. Met the boys at the park along with Mimi, Poppy, Lily, Trey, Meg, Danny and Steph for pizza and playtime. Came home pretty exhausted.
Thursday- Today I'm taking Wilson school shopping! He's getting new shoes, a backpack, a placemat (something they sit on at preschool), maybe a new outfit and then out to lunch at his restaurant of choice. I also have my maternity conference this morning. Today is my Pa-paw's 80th birthday! Happy Birthday Pa! So tonight we're going over to celebrate with cake.

Baby Ty updates:
-Still huge
-Thrown up twice this week
-Lots of backaches.
-Plenty of clothes for 0-3, 3-6! The baby shower gave Ty some nice things plus I've gone through the tubs of what we had. Now just need to get them washed.
-Andy set up the crib and changing table, pulled down the carseat, bouncy seat and swing. The mobile is up, we're getting closer to being ready!


joeyandaleethea said...

Congratulations on your soon-to-be baby!! SUCH exciting times, all the best to you.

Sarah said...

I can't believe you are STILL throwing up--how terrible!!! :( But the end is in sight now, right? :)