August 9, 2008

School Shopping

I took Wilson school shopping on Thursday morning. Stephanie watched Luke for me (THANK YOU!!) so we could have some quality time together. He had to come along to my maternity conference at the district office where I teach first, but thankfully, that conference lasted all of 12 minutes. So we were off! We quickly stopped at Farmer's Market since we were downtown and bought corn on the cob for the Beach House Bash. Then we went to the mall. He wanted to buy his new tennis shoes first. We went in and looked at several pairs (I looked, he wandered around) and chose 2 to try on. One pair he chose was so ugly! Thankfully he liked the pair I liked better after trying them on. Then we were off to find a backpack. We walked in the next store and I saw the boy backpacks. I held one up, checking the size (didn't want it to be too big) and he was across the store looking at something else. He saw the one I was holding up and yelled "Yes, camo, that's the one I want." I loved shopping with Wilson! Quick. Easy. No indecisiveness! So we bought the backpack and the attachable lunchbox to match. I decided to get him the lunch box because I was planning on buying him an outfit for the first day of school, but on our way shopping I asked him if he wanted a new outfit for the first day and he said NO. Fine with me, he has plenty of clothes! And I already knew what he'd wear on the first day if we didn't buy anything so I was ok with that! The last thing we did was eat lunch. He decided he wanted to stay at the mall and play in the kid's area then go eat at Chick-Fil-A. (he made the day so easy on me!). So he played for 10-15 minutes and then we had lunch in the food court before going to get Luke. It was fun!

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