July 13, 2008

Life with 2 boys is hard.

Ohmygosh there's going to be 3 soon!
Okay. Wilson is 4 1/2. Luke is 2 1/2. They have gotten to the age where they finally play together which in turn means that they are fighting. I'm glad that they can play together and enjoy each other but oh my gosh! I hate when they fight. This morning they were "playing" Don't Spill the Beans. But Wilson had a different idea of how he wanted to play than Luke. Fighting ensued. Beans everywhere. Timeout for both. Start over with trying to get them to clean-up. They come out and start cleaning up and next thing I know Wilson is squeezing Luke's chin and then Luke hits Wilson. AHHH! What do I do? Time-out didn't seem to work for more than 2 minutes. They even had a spanking this morning. Andy and I feel like all we do is tell them not to do this or that. I want them to have fun and make their own choices but they don't make good choices! I can't leave them in a room together alone for more than a minute before something happens. Not always physical fighting but picking on each other or something. This is hard! It's like one day you feel like you're doing okay at this whole parenting thing and the next day you think you don't know how to do this at all. Am I doing something wrong? How can I make it better? It's summer so our schedule isn't the same everyday but I don't know if that is why. Help! Is this what my life is going to be like for the next 15 years?


Team Mitchell & Crew said...

Love you!

I have NO idea.

That is ALL new to me.

One was doable.

I feel like I need to throw up.

jejic said...

You should invest in a harness and a helmet. Sometimes they are necessary.

Anonymous said...

Well, a good spanking never hurt anyone! I was never a fan of time out with Taylor b/c it never seemed to work! On the other hand, just let them duke it out!! Just kidding! I am sure it will get better! Just hang in there!!

Stephanie said...

Trust me, girls are no better even if they are 10 3/4 and 6 years old! I understand completely!