December 31, 2008
What do you think?
Homemade Marshmallows!
December 30, 2008
I Do!
Fun in the Kitchen
December 28, 2008
After Christmas
December 27, 2008
Winter Break - Days 5 & 6
We had a wonderful Christmas Day! The boys woke up early, around 6:50 am. We let Tyler sleep in but the boys were ready to see what Santa brought. Wilson got the Police Station Lego set and Kung Fu panda movie plus several stocking stuffers. Luke got a basketball, a camera and stocking stuffers. They were both thrilled with the things they received. Then Andy and I opend gifts. Andy really spoiled me this year! He got me a set of Springform pans so I can finally make cheesecake, the movie 27 Dresses and a Le Creuset dutch oven. I've wanted one of those for a couple years and he was so clever in tricking me when he wrapped it! He used a DVD case (since I asked for 27 dresses) and inside the case it said "Gotcha! Go look in the oven...". There he had placed my new dutch oven! It is beautiful. It is Carribean blue (teal) and 5 1/2 qts. I love it! It is the exact one I wanted. Then in a bigger box he had wrapped the movie! I'm making dinner using my new dutch oven tonight! Andy got a Canon backpack for his camera, 2 long sleeved tshirts from Eddie Bauer, and a couple camera accessories he wanted. Ty woke up around 9 and we opened his stocking. He got a new winter hat, a baby book, new passies, and a couple small toys. We then went over to my mom's for brunch and presents. We ate delicious food but missed Cara & Co. who were all home sick. We opend gifts there and played on my mom's Wii. I got a Kitchen Aid Stand mixer!!! I've wanted one of these for a long time! It is black and I can't wait to use it. I'm using it tonight. I received so many cooking things (which I wanted!) and I can't wait to use them. When we left my mom's we went over to Danny and Stephanie's to hang out for a while. Then we came home and relaxed before going over to my Grandparent's for Christmas Dinner. We again had delicious food and fun with the family. It was a great day! I'll post a picture slide show later because there will be lots of pics I want to share!
December 24, 2008
Winter Break - Day 3 & 4
On Monday we went back to my mom's to decorate the Gingerbread Men cookies. Here is a sampling of what they look like!
Day 4 (Tuesday)
We woke up and went to Panera for breakfast, thanks to a gift card from school! We sat by the fireplace and all enjoyed a bagel (except Lukie - he always gets a pumpkin muffie!). Three seperate people talked to Andy and I and told us the following: we have such a nice family (heard that twice!), you've got your hands full (twice too), you've got a great daddy, and I raised two sons, mine has done that too (in reference to Wilson crawling under the stall on the bathroom floor to get to me and Luke). People were so kind and friendly! Love the holidays. After Panera we drove around (hey, kids were buckled in, calm, quiet, and not fighting!) and explored in the country. After a while we turned our GPS on and told it to find our way home. Fun! We're loving the GPS. In the afternoon we went to Walmart and got groceries and some organizing tubs and new laundry baskets. Then came home and made chex mix (had to use crispix, Walmart was sold out of wheat, corn, and rice chex). Also made pepperoni rolls and soup for dinner. Here is a picture of Tyler when I was making dinner - he decided he loves Tarn now!
After dinner we got the kids ready for bed and drove around looking at Christmas lights. We picked my mom up and she went with us to see the lights downtown. Then we dropped her off and drove around a neighborhood. Wilson fell asleep in the car. But not Luke. Stubborn thing. He fought the sleep and stayed awake!
December 23, 2008
Breaking News!
Winter Break - Day 2
Winter Break - Day 1
Matt & Elise
When we left their house we used our GPS to find the Masonic Home (nursing home) where my grandmother lives. It led us there and we surprised her with a visit. We were so close by we decided to stop. She was thrilled. She met Ty and held him in her lap. We went up to the dining room to see the Christmas tree and also the birds and fish that are near the dining room. She doesn't see hardly at all anymore but she navigated pretty well through the hallways. Luke even sat on her lap and she rolled him down the hall. Wilson and Luke don't remember going there even though they've been twice but they handled it nicely. They were a little afraid but warmed up quickly. They each chose a stuffed animal from her bed and had fun looking at the train with Daddy under the Christmas tree. It was great to see Grandma and to see how happy she was to have us visit. We should go back more often.
At this point we were all hungry. Andy had heard of Bluegrass Brewing Co. (they make their own root beer) and thought it would be fun if we could go there for a snack. So we looked in our GPS and it was less than 2 miles away! Score! So we went there to share a couple appetizers. Andy got a root beer and I tried an Altbeir. Then we had a big soft pretzel with beer cheese and a Chicken Quesadilla. Both were yummy. The boys ate most of the pretzel and Luke even liked the beer cheese! The restaurant was neat - they had a kids play area which looked like a small stage with toys out. They sat us near the play area and the boys were able to get up and go play. Great feature!
December 21, 2008
14 Weeks
*We go to Cincinnati Children's on January 6th. Pray for good news :)
December 18, 2008
This one is so good!
Peanut Butter Crispy Bars
For the crispy crust: (Andy and I thought it might be good to double the crispy layer next time)
1 ¾ cups crisped rice cereal
¼ cup water
¼ cup sugar
3 tbsp. light corn syrup
3 tbsp. butter, melted
For the chocolate peanut butter layer:
5 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup creamy peanut butter
For the chocolate icing:
3 oz. dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
½ tsp. light corn syrup
4 tbsp. butter
Lightly spray a paper towel with nonstick cooking spray and use it to rub the bottom and sides of an 8×8” square baking pan.
To make the crispy crust, pour the cereal into a large bowl and set aside. Pour the water into a small saucepan. Gently add the sugar and the corn syrup (do not let any sugar or corn syrup get on the sides of the pan) and use a small wooden spoon to stir the mixture until just combined. Put a candy thermometer in the saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat and bring to a boil; cook until the mixture reaches the soft ball stage, 235° F.
Remove from the heat, stir in the butter, and pour the mixture over the cereal. Working quickly, stir until the cereal is thoroughly coated, then pour it into the prepared pan. Using your hands or a silicone spatula, press the mixture into the bottom of the pan (do not press up the sides). Let the crust cool to room temperature while you make the next layer.
To make the chocolate peanut butter layer, in a glass bowl set over a pot of boiling water, combine the chocolate and peanut butter. Cook, stirring with a spatula, until the mixture is completely smooth. Remove the bowl from the pan and stir for 30 seconds to cool slightly. Pour the mixture over the cooled crust. Put the pan in the refrigerator for 1 hour, or until the top layer hardens.
To make the chocolate icing, in a glass bowl set over boiling water, combine the chocolate, corn syrup and butter. Cook, stirring with a spatula, until the mixture is completely smooth. Remove the bowl from the pan and stir for 30 seconds to cool slightly. Pour the mixture over the chilled chocolate peanut butter layer and spread carefully into an even layer. Put the pan into the refrigerator for 1 hour, or until the topping hardens.
Cut into 16 squares and serve. Store in the refrigerator in an air-tight container.
Holiday Recipes
3 pkgs popped microwave popcorn
1 stick butter
2 cups light brown sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
Pour popped popcorn in a large bowl. Discard unpopped kernals. Melt 1 stick butter in saucepan over medium high heat. Add sugar, corn syrup, and salt. Stir until boiling. Turn down heat and let mixture bowl for 5 minutes without stirring. Then add soda and vanilla - it will bubble up- and stir. Pour mixture over popcorn and stir to coat evenly. Put popcorn on two cookies sheets. Then bake 1 hour at 250, stirring every 15 minutes.
Peanut Butter Patties
Ritz crackers (reduced fat)
Jif Peanut Butter (reduced fat)
Chocolate Almond Bark
1 T shortening
Make peanut butter cracker sandwiches. Melt chocolate in a double boiler, adding 1 T shortening to thin the chocolate. Dip sandwiched crackers in chocolate completely, shaking excess chocolate off. Let cool on wax/parchment paper until chocolate is set. I usually throw them in the freezer on the cookie sheet for a few minutes to speed the process along.
The missing hairbrush.
December 16, 2008
Snow Day #1
I got my text that we were out of school around 4:15am. So I rolled over and went back to sleep. Was up at 5 to feed Ty and then turned off both alarms. After I fed Ty I went back to sleep and Andy let me sleep in until 8:30! It was wonderful. Today was spent in the kitchen. Pretty much all day- cleaning the kitchen, baking, cleaning, baking, etc. I made two batches of caramel corn today which takes Then I made Peanut Butter Crispy Bars because it was a recipe I was wanting to try- yum! That one also took a long time because it has three layers and needs 2hours of cooling total. I had to use a candy thermometer for those and that was fun! Andy bought me one at Walmart today because I'd never needed one before. The teacher gifts are ready and the caramel corn for snack day at school is ready. After so much time in the kitchen today I didn't feel like making dinner. So I called Puccini's and order to Chicken Bada Bing Calzones. Yum. You should try one. They are delicious. We had salad with them and Andy picked up a frozen pizza for the boys. I never left the house today. That was kind of nice! I've really enjoyed being home with Ty - he has another cold. Lots of boogers, a runny eye, and he has sneezed several times. Poor thing. So I was glad to be home to take care of him. The big boys helped in the kitchen and drove us crazy today! So when Andy went grocery shopping I reserved Horton Hears a Who from Redbox and he picked that up. They were quiet and content during the movie with popcorn and hot chocolate. That gave us the break we needed! Luke talks SO much. It's nonstop. And he repeats himself over and over and over until you respond! Sweet but some days it's too much! Andy picked up our Christmas cards at Wal-mart and those are almost ready to go out. I've been able to cross several things off my list. I really this snowday to stay caught up. Though the house is a mess and I still have to make Cowboy Caviar for my small group Christmas Party and I still need to make homemade Peanut Butter patties. I'll post the recipes if anyone wants them!
December 15, 2008
What kids say...
This morning while Wilson, Luke and I were eating breakfast, Luke in all seriousness told Wilson "It's okay Wilson. We can buy more poo-poo."
Let me back up and share the rest of the story that led up to Luke's consoling remark. We were shopping at Walmart on Saturday and someone (can't remember who) spotted a great gift for the youth group Christmas Party gift game. Maybe you've heard of it-the Super Duper Reindeer Pooper.

It's a plastic reindeer that poops brown jelly beans. Well, Wilson was so fascinated by the toy that he didn't like the idea of giving it away as a gift. So Wilson talked his way into going to the youth party so he could try to win the toy. Wilson won the toy in the gift game and spent the rest of the night pooping the candy out of the reindeer. He was happy to show everyone just how it worked.
This morning at breakfast, Will was lamenting the reality that he had eaten all the reindeer poop and had no more reindeer poop to poop out of his toy. This is what prompted Luke's sweet but hilarious comment.
We'll just attribute all this to my Uncle Bill who years ago bought the boys the book "Everyone Poops."
(I think Alyssa had me guest post this story because she didn't like all the poop references...girls)
December 13, 2008
Letters to Santa!
Ty is ready for Christmas too!
December 10, 2008
They Called!!
Here's the scoop-
Tuesday January 6th we have two appts 1 with the opthamalogist and 1 at the Hemangioma and Vascular unit. Then we go back on JUNE 15 to meet with the neurologist. That was the first available appointment! Crazy. I'm so glad they called and we have Ty's appointments scheduled.
December 9, 2008
More stuff.
- Wilson made us playdoh pizzas for dinner. As he was setting them on the table he said "That's just the way life is mom."
- I am a little upset to find out that my sister still has numbness from her C-section which occurred almost 4 years ago. Wow. And here I thought still have numbness after 12 weeks was weird! Live and learn.
- I haven't started my Christmas cards yet.
- We're thinking of getting cable since I passed National Boards and will be getting a raise. We haven't had it our whole married life - 8 years this month. Should we get it?! We're both so used to not having it now...once we get it there will probably be no going back!
- I'm losing my voice and have lots of gunk. Not feeling well. But I don't have any sick days! Used them all for Tyler. Hopefully I can make it through 8 more days.
December 8, 2008
- Wilson went back to the dr today, has a double ear infection. Poor thing. He just finished an antibiotic on Thursday.
- Luke smashed his finger in the door yesterday - pretty bad - has a cut on it and it swelled a lot. Not broken though!
- Andy and I are both not feeling well. It's that time of year...
- 9 more days of school before Winter Break
- The boys helped me wrap lots of presents tonight. They were so excited to wrap their teacher gifts!
- Luke cracks me up. He has been peeping in the potty a lot! He says I peeped in the potty mommy! It always brings a smile to my face!
- Have you had a C-section? Is it normal to still feel itchy around the incision from time to time- from the inside, like it's still healing? And it's still kind of numb in the incision area and I still have occasional pains etc. It's been 12 weeks. Is this normal?
- We did not hear from CCH Friday or Monday as they told us we would. Guess I'll have PAA call there again.
December 6, 2008
12 weeks!
Thanksgiving Pictures
December 5, 2008
Dinner tonight was GOOD! I tried two new recipes. First, Carol's pepperoni rolls. This was a big success for me! I have always avoided yeast dough recipes because they didn't turn out for me the couple times I had tried them. Well over Thanksgiving I sat and watched Carol make her dough- and took notes!! She was making cinnamon rolls but her basic dough recipe can be made into cinnamon rolls, pepperoni rolls or dinner rolls. I have always loved her breads- and this time it tasted right! On a 1-10 scale Andy gave them an 8 1/2, which I thought was pretty awesome! If anyone wants the recipe let me know and I"ll post it.
I made Cheddar Broccoli Potato Soup to go with the rolls. Yum! It was easy and delicious and Andy and I both really enjoyed it. Here is the recipe. Perfect for a cold night! If only we had a fireplace!
This Sunday night the boys will be in our church's Christmas program. Luke will be a sheep and Wilson a shepherd. I love watching them in the play! Afterwards the youth group host a Coffee House. It's a fun evening. Hopefully tomorrow I can post some pictures from Thanksgiving.
December 2, 2008
Feeling Stressed
* Tomorrow I am turning in all of my paper work for my National Board Certification! Think Rank change! Thing retroactive pay! Think raise!
* We have not heard from CCH about Ty's appointment yet. Still waiting.
December 1, 2008
Yummy Recipes
4 T unsalted butter, melted (plus more for pan)
2 cups flour (plus more for pan)
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg, lightly beaten
3/4 cup milk
1 12 0z bag cranberries, wash and throw out bad ones
1 T turbinado sugar for topping (optional)
Preheat oven to 350. Butter and flour a 9x5 inch loaf pan. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Set aside. In a medium bowl combine butter, egg, and milk. Add wet mixture to dry and whisk to combine. Fold in cranberries. Pour batter into prepared pan. Sprinkle top with turbinado sugar if desired. Bake until a toothpick inserted in center of loaf comes out clean, about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack; let bread cool 30 minutes. Invert onto rack and immediately turn right side up to cool completely.
*I didn't have any turbinado sugar so I left it out. I'm sure it would be tasty though!
*This is taken from Everyday Food Magazine.
November 30, 2008
My Maw-Maw
November 26, 2008
Which holiday is it?
November 25, 2008
5 Blissful Days!
November 22, 2008
A Glimpse from Today
- After breakfast Luke decided to color. He then threw away all the white crayons because he said they don't work. Hilarious!
- I bribed the boys with a treat and said if you're nice to each other and don't fight while I'm in the shower you can have a small treat when I get out- it worked! Ty was napping in his swing with his door shut!
- Went to lunch at Ma-Maw's. This was nice and gave me a chance to relax a little. While we were there Wilson gave a speech. He pulled out a foot stool to stand on and had a notepad on a music stand in front of him. His speech was about music and he said the words to Twinkle Twinkle!
- Let Wilson feed Ty a bottle- he did great!
- Visited with mom and Terry.
- Gingerbread Latte from Starbuck's
- Boys are finally quiet and asleep.
Low points from the day
- Waking up at 7am. Luke wakes up like clockwork
- Looking up from cracking a nut to eat at Maw's to see Wilson and Luke putting dirt from the plant on the carpet so that they could vacuum up the dirt. Wilson had cracked a nut by himself and gotten it all over the floor. So we had gotten out the hand vac. He was having so much fun using it he thought dumping dirt out so he could vacuum it was a good idea.
-Cleaning up a spilt applesauce cup (Carpet and wall)
- Bedtime. It was rough.
The rest of the day was filled with picking up the house, changing diapers, playing with the boys, giving all 3 a bath, making dinner, ending fights, and reading fire fighter books. Overall we've had a good day! Last night I went out with my family to celebrate at Jalapeno's. Yummy! Tomorrow my family is getting together for our Thanksgiving so I'm looking forward to that. Plus only 2 days of school this week and then I'm with the boys for 5 whole days!
November 21, 2008
Ham & Pineapple Bake
Big News!!
I am now a National Board Certified Teacher!!!!!
I am SO excited :)
It's time to celebrate!!!
November 20, 2008
10 weeks old
It's almost time...
November 20, 2008
We are pleased to inform you that you will be able to access and view your score results on Friday, November 21, 2008.
Oh. My. Gosh. I'll know tomorrow. I'm nervously excited!!!
November 17, 2008
8 week visit
November 14, 2008
7 more days
School has gone well, just getting my feet back on the ground STILL and there is always so much to do. It won't all get done. I'm doing the things I have to do to do my job well but some things just won't get done. And I'm learning to be ok with that, even if the rest of my teammates do get it done! I'm always eager to leave and come home to my boys. At this point it's hard to even bring work home because once Wilson and Luke are in bed I still have Ty. I refuse to give up any more time with him. Plus Andy and I need time to talk and hang out. So, with my bedtime goal of 9:30 there just isn't much free time in the evenings. Andy and I are getting our routine down of laying out the boys outfits, making lunches and coffee, and washing the bottles/pump at night. It sure makes the morning go smoother for both of us.
I've been so tired. Painfully tired. Waking up around 1am and 4am to feed Ty is kicking my butt. Then the alarm sounds at 5:15 (don't usually hear this one) and again at 5:30 when I have to get up. I'm still up right now so I can feed Ty again in a few minutes and hopefully only have to wake up once in the middle of the night tonight. Andy's uncle came over so Andy and I went to Chili's and I had a Mango margarita and chips and salsa. Andy got dessert. Then we went to Wal-Mart and bought some things. We got back home around 11:00. It was nice to have a "date" (hard to count Walmart as a date!). Ty slept in his carseat at both places and never made a peep!
November 13, 2008
Waiting Game
Score Release
Score results for 2007-2008 candidates will be released on or before December 31, 2008. Continue to watch the NBPTS website for updates and information.
COME ON! I'm ready to know if I passed or not!
November 11, 2008
Wilson - The Builder!
Just a pile of Legos!
Following step by step directions - all by himself!
Ta-da! It's a fire truck!
November 10, 2008
First Day Back
Andy and the boys did great today! He said the day went very smoothly and little TW was great. He ate his bottles and let daddy get some work done. Wilson and Luke had good days at school. Thankfully I pulled leftover Shepherd's Pie from the freezer yesterday so dinner is easy tonight. I haven't set Ty down since I got home. He's sleeping in the Bjorn right now. Thank goodness for those!
November 8, 2008
Ty's birthmark update
November 7, 2008
8 weeks old!
Absolutely perfect.
November 5, 2008
The Celebration Continues!
I managed to get 30 candles in the shape of 3-0!!
Happy 30th Birthday Andy!!
Better late than never! Only thing missing is trick or treat pictures. They are on Andy's camera. On Halloween both boys had parties at school so you can see those pictures! Wilson was very insecure at his party- not wanting anyone to look at him in his one man band costume. He did wear it for the parade but that was about all. Luke's school had a pajama party for Halloween. He was so excited! He wanted to bring muffins so I made pumpkin muffies (just the tops) for him to take to school. He had a great day! In case you missed their costumes, check out the post from the Harvest party at church to see them!