Well, I'm happy to report that Andy and I had a wonderful 7year anniversary! The getaway weekend was SOO what we needed. No responsibilities! Sleeping in! Eating out without highchairs! No diapers to change! I have to admit I did get a little upset the first night worrying about the boys. So we called to check on them, I talked briefly to each one (they were having too much fun with Mimi and Poppy!) and then I felt better. Andy and I had a restful weekend. On Saturday we checked into our hotel around 3:30-4:00. We lounged around and left around 6 to go shopping. We went to a few stores and then to Qdoba. We enjoyed our dinner and headed back to the hotel. Sunday morning we woke up (I didn't sleep past 8:15 but I let Andy sleep till 9:30 before waking him up!) and walked to Panera for breakfast. I had a sesame bagel with low-fat cream cheese and Andy had a Cinnamon crunch bagel. We took our time eating and looking through the paper, trying to agree on a movie! We decided on I am Legend. We met Andy's family for lunch and saw the boys which was nice. Andy's parents were heading back to Florida and we wanted to say goodbye. We then went to the mall and a couple of other stores looking for a camera for me! We bought Andy a new pair of tennis shoes with some Christmas money. Then we took a long nap! We had reservations at PF Chang's at 8 so we got ready for dinner and a movie. Delicious dinner- lettuce wraps, Cashew and Almond Chicken and fried rice. It is one of my favorite restaurants. I hope to go back for my b-day. Then to the movies, which we hadn't been to since last Christmas! We both really enjoyed the movie (I am Legend). Then back to the hotel which I am happy to report that I slept in until 10:15!! It was heavenly. Sleep without interruption. Ahhhh... But man did we miss our boys! We walked over to Panera again for another yummy breakfast(asagio cheese bagel for me and pecan roll for Andy). You should also try Panera's Caramel Latte (skim milk and no whipped cream) it is good. I had one both days! The first day Andy had Panera OJ but it was too pulpy (he likes pulp free) so today he walked over to McDonald's for his OJ and brought that into Panera. It was much more to his liking! We had to pick up something at Target and a SD card for my new camera at Radio Shack and then we went to get the boys around 12:30. Once we came home Andy ordered the camera for me! So excited, can't wait!
December 31, 2007
Getaway Weekend!
Well, I'm happy to report that Andy and I had a wonderful 7year anniversary! The getaway weekend was SOO what we needed. No responsibilities! Sleeping in! Eating out without highchairs! No diapers to change! I have to admit I did get a little upset the first night worrying about the boys. So we called to check on them, I talked briefly to each one (they were having too much fun with Mimi and Poppy!) and then I felt better. Andy and I had a restful weekend. On Saturday we checked into our hotel around 3:30-4:00. We lounged around and left around 6 to go shopping. We went to a few stores and then to Qdoba. We enjoyed our dinner and headed back to the hotel. Sunday morning we woke up (I didn't sleep past 8:15 but I let Andy sleep till 9:30 before waking him up!) and walked to Panera for breakfast. I had a sesame bagel with low-fat cream cheese and Andy had a Cinnamon crunch bagel. We took our time eating and looking through the paper, trying to agree on a movie! We decided on I am Legend. We met Andy's family for lunch and saw the boys which was nice. Andy's parents were heading back to Florida and we wanted to say goodbye. We then went to the mall and a couple of other stores looking for a camera for me! We bought Andy a new pair of tennis shoes with some Christmas money. Then we took a long nap! We had reservations at PF Chang's at 8 so we got ready for dinner and a movie. Delicious dinner- lettuce wraps, Cashew and Almond Chicken and fried rice. It is one of my favorite restaurants. I hope to go back for my b-day. Then to the movies, which we hadn't been to since last Christmas! We both really enjoyed the movie (I am Legend). Then back to the hotel which I am happy to report that I slept in until 10:15!! It was heavenly. Sleep without interruption. Ahhhh... But man did we miss our boys! We walked over to Panera again for another yummy breakfast(asagio cheese bagel for me and pecan roll for Andy). You should also try Panera's Caramel Latte (skim milk and no whipped cream) it is good. I had one both days! The first day Andy had Panera OJ but it was too pulpy (he likes pulp free) so today he walked over to McDonald's for his OJ and brought that into Panera. It was much more to his liking! We had to pick up something at Target and a SD card for my new camera at Radio Shack and then we went to get the boys around 12:30. Once we came home Andy ordered the camera for me! So excited, can't wait!
Christmas 2007
What a wonderful Christmas season! It has been busy around here. The pictures above are from Christmas at our house, my maw/paw's, my parents, and at our house with Andy's family. We had a great time with both sides of the family. On Christmas Eve we had dinner at my sister's house. On Christmas morning we opened presents at home and then went to my Maw-maw's for breakfast and presents. I really enjoyed seeing my cousins, Allison and Justin! Allison came from California! After going home for a nap we went to my mom and dad's house for presents and dinner. Two days later Andy's parents arrived and we celebrated with a big breakfast at our house and presents. Then that evening we went to Danny and Steph's for dinner. Great times! Favorite christmas presents:
Wilson- high hat for his drumset
Luke- Thomas train set and lamp
Alyssa- Ipod dock alarm clock
Andy- movies (Back to the Future Trilogy and Christmas Story)
December 28, 2007
December 23, 2007
I LOVE this time of year!
1. Make trash (Do you know about trash? AKA puppy chow?)
2. Finish cleaning (living room and kitchen!)
3. Wrap last 2 gifts
4. Make breakfast casserole for Tuesday
5. Make the best pumpkin dessert ever for Tuesday - Thanks for the recipe Brenda!
6. Write Andy's annual stocking note- This idea I got from my Maw and Paw. Every year (I think every year) she has written him a note and put it in the toe of his stocking. I always thought that was so neat. He has all of them in there. I started that for Andy the Christmas before we got married (5 days before the wedding!) and all of his 7 letters are in there. We love getting them out and reading them. I highlight the big things from the year and fond memories/sad times too. It is definitely a tradition we will keep up!
Tomorrow night we'll go to Cara's for dinner before we go to our Christmas Eve service at church. It starts at 7pm, feel free to join us! Then we're going downtown to a house of a special group of people that our church reaches out to. We'll be delivering the trash there and throwing a Christmas party for them. We won't stay too long because we'll need to get home for the boys to open 1 gift each, read the Christmas story, set out cookies for Santa, etc. Then Andy and I will exchange stockings, stuff the boys' stockings and set out Santa gifts! It is so much fun being Santa!!
December 22, 2007
Gingerbread Cookie House
December 21, 2007
What Year Do YOU Belong in?
You Belong in 1995 |
![]() With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good! |
December 20, 2007
Two posts in 1 day means school is out!
**I've updated my list from what I did today!! Yay me!!
School is Out Checklist
_X _ Finish Christmas shopping ( I haven't even started for Andy yet. Other than his stocking.)
_X _ Wrap gifts
___ Clean ENTIRE house
_X_ Mail Christmas cards (did today!)
_X _ Catch up on laundry
___ Weekend Getaway with Andy
___ Get a massage!
_X _ Get LOTS of sleep
_X_ Watch movies (Watched one last night! More needed though!)
___Celebrate 7 year anniversary!
___Plan Wilson and Luke's birthday party
___Work on National Board stuff
_X _ Get a book to read for fun over break Something Borrowed
___Get all 3 boys feeling better (Almost there)
___ DO NOT GET SICK! (fighting off what Andy and Wilson have)
_X_ Start Exercising...Again (Went on a 2 mile walk with Wilson today!)
_X_ Update Blog (Check. Check.)
_X_ Find long lost friends on facebook! (Are you starting to see why the other things towards the top of the list aren't checked off yet?!)
Hopefully I'll get a lot done in the next few days before Christmas!
Luke = Sick
December 13, 2007
Christmas Cookies!
December 10, 2007
Annual Christmas Play
December 8, 2007
Luke Update
We're heading over to Gamma's today to make Gingerbread Cookie Houses (as Wilson calls them) and to decorate Christmas cookies! Wilson has been looking forward to this for.ever. He is really excited! I'll post pics later. We also have play practice for the church Christmas play (keep your fingers crossed, Wilson is supposed to be a Shepherd and Luke a Sheep!). I did get some Christmas shopping done last night so I feel like I've started now! I bought 4 gift plus ordered 2 more online. Yipee! Tonight Andy and I have a date night (I'm actually dressing up, in a black dress! Shocking!) and I'm really excited about that. We're going to dinner with friends from school. I'll have lots to post later!
December 7, 2007
What Holiday are you??
You Are Thanksgiving |
![]() You are a bit of a homebody who enjoys being in the company of people you love. It doesn't take a lot to make you happy. You're enjoying life as it is. You have many blessings in your life, and you are grateful for each one. You believe that life is about what you *do* have. You feel like you have enough of the good stuff. What makes you celebrate: Family, friends, and the changing of the seasons. At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The host of the party On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: Spend so much energy preparing that it's a full time job |
December 6, 2007
December 5, 2007
Meet Silas!

December 4, 2007
Look at this hilarious video!
I saw part of this on TV today and thought it was so funny! Andy doesn't see it as funny as I do. Maybe you'll appreciate it!
December 1, 2007
November 27, 2007
Night #2 without supper
He will, won't he??
* Check out my friend Tricia's new blog here!
November 26, 2007
Stubborn: It runs in the family!
Oh, I'm having some parenting guilt right now. Both of the boys are in bed. One with a full tummy, one without a full tummy. Luke would not eat his dinner. I made a delicious Turkey Pot Pie with some leftover thanksgiving turkey. Andy, Wilson and I all enjoyed the dinner. Luke just kept saying "no way". Dinner went something like this: I shoved a bite in his mouth. He spit it out. He screamed and cried. Andy took him to time out. He came back crying. I held him and pushed a carrot in his mouth. He cried and spit it out. He wouldn't even try it. So he didn't get anything else other than his milk. I left it out in case he became hungry but he didn't. He never fussed about not eating and I know it is okay to do this, the doctor has told us and I've read it, and my mom has said it's ok but oh it is bothering me now! It was really hard to not give in and make him something that I know he likes. Andy and I just don't want to teach them they can have a fit and get what they want. But it is hard to be just as stubborn back. Even though Andy is stubborn. I am stubborn. Wilson is stubborn. But it was hard for me to be stubborn tonight. I didn't like it at all. Any ideas? I am not willing to fix two dinners every night - Luke will learn to eat what we have, right? Wilson has and he does well eating a good variety. Being the parent is HARD. As you can see, the rest of us really enjoyed dinner!
November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving Feast #2
For the past 3 years we travelled to a camp and rented a cottage- large enough to fit all 18 of us. We'd outgrown Nanny's house and this seemed a good option. Well last year we were all looking forward to meeting up at camp. We had lots of plans- good plans- like paintball for the guys, making turkey cookies, the annual play the kids put on, playing games, relaxing, hiking etc. A few days before we left for camp Wilson caught a virus. A bad one, with throw-up and other stuff. I think I caught it next, a very mild case- but we were feeling better in time to leave and thought everything would be okay. Boy were we wrong. By the time we left the cottage on Saturday the virus had spread through I think 15 of 18 people. It. was. awful. And of course it was our family's fault so I felt a lot of guilt. We shouldn't have gone. Each day we woke up the virus had spread to at least another person. I had to take Andy to the ER because he was so dehydrated. It hit him really hard. He had to get two bags of fluid. We spent a couple hours in the emergency room. It was just a horrible time. If you know me at all you know I live for breaks from school to be home with my boys (even though I love my job!). All I kept thinking was I can't wait for this weekend to be over so I can go back to work and get out of this nightmare. It really did feel like a nightmare. Thankfully our family still speaks to us! But here is something I don't know that I've told anyone- except those that were there- the poor girl who works at the camp and went in to clean the cabin after we left- yep, you guessed it, she caught the virus from just walking in the cabin. I mean we had already done some cleaning, emptying the trash, vacuuming, cleaning all the dishes, stripping the beds etc. And she still got sick. Talk about guilt. That was one awful, nasty virus that spread like wildfire. And during the horrible nightmare we couldn't leave because people were to sick to travel. It was the longest several days of 'vacation' ever.
Thank goodness this year was so great, it really makes Thanksgiving memories seem happy again! Maybe in a few years we'll laugh about last year's virus filled Thanksgiving- the nightmare- but not yet. No, not yet.
November 20, 2007
Fun in the Leaves!
On Saturday the boys and I headed to a neighboring county and met up with Stephanie, Meghan, Lily and Trey to play in the ginkgo leaves. We had so much fun! Luke was a little unsure at first but quickly warmed up to the idea. Wilson and Luke had fun throwing leaves up in the air. Wilson made piles of leaves and a campfire- we roasted ginkgo leaves on sticks! He is getting such a great imagination. Luke had fun thowing leaves at daddy and throwing some up in the air. Meghan and Lily got buried in the leaves and stuffed their clothes with leaves like they were scarecrows! It was a lot of fun! Thanks for inviting us, Steph! You can see her post here.
November 19, 2007
Thanksgiving Feast #1
My sister and Jason shared AWESOME news! They are hoping to adopt a precious boy named Silas from China. He turned one in September and has special needs. He is so cute! Their story of how this all came about is really neat. I'm hoping they'll start a blog and then I can just link you to and let them tell you! I'm so excited!!
November 18, 2007
Luke Matthew- Man of MANY words!
He had a check-up with the ENT last Thursday. Everything about his ears is fabulous! He hasn't had a single ear infection since his tubes were put in. You can read about that here. He has had them for about 6 months. At our next checkup in about 3 months, they'll test his hearing and see if the tubes are ready to come out. The tubes were the best thing we could have done for his poor little ears.
November 15, 2007
A Day to Breathe
November 10, 2007
Tricia's Wedding
Tricia and Curtis were married on October 27, 2007. The wedding was beautiful! I am so happy for them! The wedding was at 3:30- Tricia looked gorgeous! The bridesmaids wore cranberry and carried cream flowers. Tricia carried white and red roses. They had an excellent photographer, great music and lots of friends and family around.
November 6, 2007
My Man!
November 3, 2007
WHAT? I can't hear you!
November 1, 2007
Trick-or-Treat & Harvest Party
Pooh Bear!
A beautiful sunset on the hayride!
Sunday night we had a Harvest Party at our church- chili cook-off, trunk-or-treating for the kids, hay ride, pumpkin bowling, etc. Wilson and Luke had a blast! Some of the pictures are from that. It was so cold on Sunday night.
For Trick-or-Treating the weather was beautiful! We went part way down our street and came back up the other side with the boys. Then we passed candy out to trick-or -treaters at our house. Gamma and Gampa came over to see the boys. Wilson was a Knight and Luke was Winnie the Pooh. They were cute! After the grandparents left we drove over to Ma and Pa's to trick or treat there. Wilson was shy about going up to the houses. Luke wouldn't talk, but he sure was willing to hold his pumpkin out for candy! He ended up with way more than Wilson. Will's favorite treat from a house was a small thing of black play-doh. He found that pretty cool. Luke'll stick to the candy!
Wilson carved the small pumpkin in the middle. Check out the eyes! I was so proud of him!
Lukie with his hunny pot out trick or treating!
October 30, 2007
Halloween Meme
Hmmm...I don't like scary movies at all. I remember being really scared during Arachnophobia at a slumber party in the 6th grade. I also remember my dad and sister watching a Chuckie movie that I walked through the living room and was soo scared I had to stay in my room upstairs. I've pretty much avoided scary movies ever sense. Plus I remember a scene from Ptoltergeist that my dad was watching once.
2. What was your favorite Halloween costume from childhood?
My homemade Cheerios box that my dad made and painted for me. It. was. cool.
3. If you had an unlimited budget, what would your fantasy costume be for this Halloween?
I'm thinking a flapper- with a wig, fringe, gloves, heels, etc.
4. When was the last time you went trick or treating?
Me personally? No idea. With Wilson, last Halloween.
5. What is your favorite Halloween candy?
Twix, Kit Kat
6. Tell us about a scary nightmare you had.
They never sound scary when you explain them to someone else. I still remember a nightmare I had when I was young. I won't go into details but we were at a family friends' house and it involved horses. I think I was on one and couldn't get it to stop. I couldn't get off or something. I woke up because my mom came in and woke me from the dream. She said she heard me upset from her room. I was sweaty. Maybe I had a fever or something. It was bad!
7. What is your Supernatural fear?
I don't have any because I don't let myself think about scary things!!
8. What is your creep-crawly fear?
Big spiders. I can handle the teeny tiny ones. I hate big ones.
9. Tell us about the time you saw a ghost. Or heard something go bump in the night.
I don't believe in ghosts. Although you should ask Mimi and Poppy about their visitor when we were in Gatlinburg! They swear they felt someone walk past their bed in the middle of the night in Gatlinburg - but none of us did.
10. Would you ever stay in a haunted house overnight?
NO WAY!!!!
11. Are you a traditionalist Jack 'O' Lantern carver or do you get creative?
Very traditionalist. Though Andy is very creative- you should see the Pirate pumpkin in the Gatlinburg post! He does great with pumpkin carving.
12. How much do you decorate your house for Halloween?
We have one tub in the attic we pull down. Not much- a few decorative pumpkins, a cute candy corn pumpkin that holds a candle, always pumpkins on the porch.
13. What do you want on your tombstone?
Not even going to think about this one!
If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged. Write a Halloween Meme and let us get to know you better!!
October 25, 2007
October 23, 2007
Cobin Lag (aka Log Cabin)
On Saturday the girls went shopping some more and out for pizza while the guys and big kids went hiking. We met back up at the cabin for the UK game and more hanging out! Each family carved a pumpkin with the kids (Wilson's idea was a Pirate!) and then got the kids in their halloween costumes so they could trick or treat with Mimi. We lit the pumpkins and roasted the pumpkin seeds. Fun! That night we played Texas Hold 'Em which was lots of fun. It was a perfect hot tub night too! The next morning Dan and Carol had to leave pretty early so we all got up and went for a pancake breakfast before the rest of us packed up the cabin to head home. It was a great time. :) A slide show is coming soon!
October 22, 2007
It's been 10 years! Can you believe it?!
October 15, 2007
Pancakes, Pancakes!
October 11, 2007
October 7, 2007
Big Boy!
This is the new chest I found for $25. I was driving over to my sister's and saw this at a yard sale. I don't generally go to yard sales but ended up going back to look at it later that day, and it is working perfectly for all of Luke's clothes!
Here is Luke's new bookcase. We moved all the board books off of Wilson's bookcase and put them in Luke's room. He loves to read now! Sure makes his momma proud!
And here is his all time favorite book right now -- Choo Choo! He insists upon reading it EVERY night! It is really worn out as it was also a favorite of Wilson's! Luke doesn't care, he loves it anyway. It is a lift the flap book and he really knows what is under each flap!
October 2, 2007
To the Pumpkin Patch we go!
(Make sure to hover your mouse over the pics to read the captions!) We had a great time at the orchard on Saturday! Stephanie, Meghan, Lily and Trey all went too. We found a perfect pumpkin to carve and Wilson and Luke each got a smaller pumpkin of their own too. Then we played! Luke and Trey rode a train. Wilson played in the sand and climbed hay mountains. It was a blast! After a snack and listening to the live music we were ready to leave. It took a little convincing on Will's part. He realized there were lots of fun things to do other than the sand!! We were really worn out by the time we got home. We bought some fresh apple donuts to take home- boy were they good on Sunday morning!
September 29, 2007
Consignment Sale
September 25, 2007
How to leave a comment :)
How to leave a comment:
1.After you read a post, click on the word comments at the bottom of the post.
2. If this is your first time to comment, choose No Google Account? Sign up here.
3. Then you simply enter your email address, a password and type your first name (or a nickname) for your display name. You aren't creating a new account really. I just use my email address and a password. Nothing new to remember.
4.From then on, when you want to leave a comment you just type in your comment, enter your email address and password and hit publish.
Hope it works!
September 21, 2007
BUSY week at school!
Today my class had a poetry cafe. It was awesome! The room transformed into a cafe with colorful tablecloths, vases of flowers, coffee, hot chocolate, and cookies! Everything was donated this year for the cafe which is beyond awesome. It cost me $5 total. All it took was writing donation letters, picking up the stuff, and decorating. Oh, and teaching a poetry unit so the kids had some well written poems to share! As the guests came in the kids shared the poems in their collection with them. They also got their refreshments. Then after everyone had been through the line I started calling the kids up in small groups to read 1 poem out loud. We had a program listing all the kids names and poem titles. It was impressive! Guess how many guests I had in my room alone! I have 24 students. I had 40 guests! So there were a lot of people in my classroom today! We had lots of food leftover, the parents loved the cafe, and the kids felt like they accomplished something huge. And they did.
I love my teammates! They are the best. We all helped deliver donation letters, pick up donations, make calls for donations, etc. Everything is easier with teamwork! Thanks, ladies! What is the next thing we need to tackle?!?!
September 19, 2007
New recipe!
Anyway, he really didn't want me to make them but I really did so I persisted. We ate them tonight. They were super fast to make and Andy liked them. Wilson liked them, Luke liked them, and guess what?! I even liked them! Score! I did add cheese in them as the recipe suggests as an option, used less oil to fry them in, and dipped 'em in ketchup. I just keep expanding Andy's food horizon. I'm so proud of my wife-y qualities!! (hahaha) It worked out well because we were able to visit with Ted and Cynthia which was nice. This was just my second time to meet Ted's new wife and she seems really nice! Wilson (after showing off for a while) sat down near Cynthia and kept talking to her about his cars. So cute! As they were leaving we had a medical person come out to our house as part of our life insurance application. Then we made our quick, delicious dinner and rushed off to church. It was a busy Wednesday!
September 17, 2007
Girls Night!
Do you like Starbucks? I'm one of the few in my family that does. But you gotta love Starbucks coffee. No, I am NOT one of those that don't drink Starbucks just because they are taking over every corner in our country. Order yourself a Tall-Nonfat-No Whip-White Chocolate Mocha. Go to Starbucks. Now. Get yourself one and see if you don't like it! (BTW, I'm also a fan of locally owned coffee shops too! (mmm...Mocha Josie, anyone?!)
September 15, 2007
Thank Goodness for Grandmas!
Me: Hey mom, what are you doing today?
Mom: Going to Madelyn's game, grocery, and watching the game tonight.
Me: So Wilson is needing a little Gramma time, he is in a MOOD!
Mom: Well he can come home with me after the game for a while. We'll go to my school and play the drums.
*** a few hours into the visit with Grandma**
Mom: Hey, just checking in. Didn't want you to worry. We've been busy. Wilson's just not ready to come home yet.
Me: Ok! Sure, 6:15 is fine!
Wilson went home with Grandma and Grandpa and had a GREAT day! They went to mom's school so he could play the drums, he shopped at the school's book fair and got lots of attention. They read, watched a movie, and cooked. She called to check in a couple times and kept telling me "he's not ready to come home yet." So he didn't come back home until 6:30, just in time for dinner. He was a wonderful boy at Grandma's with a good attitude. As soon as he got home he was back to acting the way he did this morning. He didn't want to eat. He didn't want to take a bath. He screamed throughout the whole bath as Andy and I held him down and washed him. He was soo tired. And we had him in bed at 8pm. Hopefully after a good nights sleep he'll be in a better mood. It was a rough day and he was gone for the whole middle chunk of the day!
While he was gone I crashed during Luke's nap. I knew I was tired but I didn't realize how tired. Then after the update of "he's still not ready to come home, he's being so good and helpful (!)" I decided I needed to get some work done. So the house is straightened, the laundry is started, the sheets are changed, the dishes are washed, etc. Clean house, rested mama, and Wilson had a super time getting some much needed grandparent lovin'. Now, when do they start spending the night at Grandma's??!!
September 14, 2007
Not much going on...
The boys are doing fine. We did have a pretty bad biting incident last Sunday. I stepped out of the living room into the kitchen and immediately heard Luke screaming. Wilson had bitten him so hard he broke the skin. It was awful. Luke was crying so hard and I had to take Wilson to his room for time (and the a spanking after I calmed Luke down) out and the put ice on Luke's back where he was bitten. Wilson never bit until he somehow learned it from Luke. Not sure how Luke knew about biting! Anyway, Luke still has an awful spot on his back from the bite. It is pitiful. Tonight, Wilson threw a Lego at him and he has a swollen spot on his upper lip. It was only a few weeks ago that Will threw a sippy cup at Luke and he had a bruise on his face. Clearly Wilson is having some issues. We deal with them the best we can. He is such an intense little guy. Any suggestions? Do tell! As I mentioned here, in John Rosemond's recent article he says if you want children to get along, make them share a room. Andy and I would like to try it in January when Luke can move to a big bed. Spankings, time outs, and taking toys away just haven't been enough.
Tonight we had a very delicious dinner eating some of our most recent farm fresh veggies. We had hoppin' john and okra (sooo good!) Wilson ate an entire cucumber and I had a few strips of fresh red pepper which was also sooo good! The okra and red pepper just tasted better than they ever do from Wal-Mart! We also got acorn squash, zuchinni, onions, garlic, tomatoes, and swiss chard. The farm is having a potluck and harvest tour for the CSA members in October. I think it would be fun to take the boys to the farm. We'll see.
About two weeks ago I started re-reading Harry Potter. I had read books 1-3 several years ago and just never finished because I forgot too much of the story. I've now read and finished book one and went to rent the movie tonight but it was already gone. It'll have to wait! I really enjoyed the first book (again) and have already started book 2. If you haven't read them, you should! I read right before I go to sleep, when the house is quiet :) and often fall asleep while reading so it might take me a while to get through the rest of the series!
Happy Birthday to Heather, Jenn, and Erin!
* Have you ever tried the Betty Crocker Brownies with cookie topping? You totally should! I made them for my small group Wednesday to celebrate Heather's b-day and we thought they were delicious. (Don't remind Andy that I was a little disapointed when he couldn't find the type of brownie I requested! These were WAY better- don't worry, I gave him credit!)
September 6, 2007
Shiny White Teeth!
September 3, 2007
Drummer Boy

September 2, 2007
The Joys of a 3 Day Weekend!
Wilson and I went to my school for a little while on Saturday to pick up something I'd forgotten. He had such a good time we ended up staying for over an hour. I didn't mind because I got some stuff done while he played and worked! I did lots of birthday shopping for September birthdays as well. I went to the Half Price Bookstore & Joseph Beth and got my niece, Meghan several of my old favorites (BabySitters Club, Harriet the Spy, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Hatchet, Anne of Green Gables & Little House in the Big Woods). She is an avid reader and found out today that she has read most of them already! Anyway this made me reminisce of all the books I read as a child and went to my mom's house today to get all of my old books. Wilson and I went during Luke's nap so we stayed to visit and left with maybe around 200-300 books. I have a bag full for my classroom, 4 bags for Meghan to go through, and 2 bags to take to the Half Price Bookstore to sell. It was fun to see all the old books Cara and I read! (over 50 were The Baby-Sitter's Club!)
Luke's room is slowly turning into more of his room rather than his room/our old office. Andy and I moved out our big bookcase last weekend. Today I bought him his own little bookcase and we're moving all the board books off Will's bookcase into Luke's room. I'd love to buy him a small dresser for his clothes and get rid of the changing table. I have a cedar chest I wish we could move out of his room but there is no where to put it in our current house. We're bursting at the seams! The only possibility would be moving it into the living room under the windows (which I really don't want to do). I did read on John Rosemond's website that if you want your children to get along, have them share a room! I suggested to Andy that when Luke moves out of the crib maybe we should try that idea!!
Today we went to church and out to eat to celebrate Meghan's 10th birthday, which is tomorrow! It was fun. Speaking of birthdays, last night I dreamed that I totally forgot Will's birthday and went through the entire day and Andy reminded me in the evening that it was Will's birthday. I remember being sooo upset that I hadn't remembered or made a cake. When I woke up from the dream in the middle of the night I was really upset and thought to myself "you have never forgotten his birthday and you never will..." I've been having a really hard time remembering things lately, my mind is just in a fog or something. AHHH, now I'm even dreaming about it!
Tomorrow we might go swimming and then we're having a Labor Day cookout at my maw-ma's. Really looking forward to that! I have a couple miscellaneous pictures I want to post!
This first one is a flashback to Madelyn's 4th birthday party! Jason and Cara rented a jumpy thing and my family had sooo much fun jumping in it after the party ended!

The next picture is in CELEBRATION of Caroline's new food: EGGS!!! Yippeee, she passed the food challenge on eggs this year! Caroline, you spunky thing, you just keep right on outgrowing those awful allergies, girl!! We love you!!

August 28, 2007
Yeah, well...
Luke is also trying to make the transition from 2 naps a day to 1 nap a day. He is doing pretty well. Still learning lots of new words and getting to be such a big boy!
School continues to kick my butt. I'm always so tired and feel like I could work about 18 hours a day right now to do my job the way I wish I could! I have a great class and I'm getting to know them and love them! I'm so tired and busy with school I haven't been able to pick up our vegetables. Remember, Farm Fresh Thursdays? Thankfully, my wonderful sister has been picking up the basket each week. We will continue to get a basket until October. They have been a little smaller lately, mostly green beans, tomatoes, squash, an eggplant, red peppers, garlic, spaghetti squash, zuchinni, onions etc. Cara has also been helping out with the boys and I thank her dearly for giving Andy and I some time together. Thanks, Cara- you're the best! (Oh, and by the way, Jason has been trying to keep me accountable for running, and I'm grateful! I think to myself, I know Jason will ask and I don't want to let him down! Maybe tomorrow, Jason!).
Laundry to fold and Big Brother to watch. Later!
August 23, 2007
Me vs. The Roast
August 19, 2007
The Best Chocolate Icecream...EVER!
The week has flown by! Happy Birthday to Uncle Jimmy and to Poppy!
August 14, 2007
2 days down!
Wilson had a great 1st day at school with his friends and Ms. Holly. He will go back tomorrow. He was a little clingy at drop off but Andy said he did great.
Luke had his follow-up appointment with the ENT today and his ears are doing great! He passed his hearing test and will go back in 3 months for another checkup.
Andy was able to get some work done for church with Wilson being at school on Monday. I think the schedule for this school year should work out nicely for him.
Last night we went hiking at a nearby park. It has a walking path, a picnic table, and a long swing. We had a good time. I had never been there before and neither had Wilson and Luke. I'm attaching a picture from our adventure!